Technical Product Information
March 2008
DELTA profil
Display and control unit
UP 585
5WG1 585-2AB_1
DELTA style
Display and control unit
UP 584
5WG1 584-2AB_1
DELTA ambiente
Display and control unit
UP 586
5WG1 586-2AB_1
Siemens AG
UP 58x, 6 pages
Technical Manual
Automation and Drives Group
Electrical Installation Technology
Siemens AG 2008
P.O. Box 10 09 53, D-93009 Regensburg
Subject to change without prior notice
Removing the cover (Diagram 6a and 6b)
Variant 1: Gently press the sides of the cover together
and tilt.
Abziehen der
Diagram 6a:
Variant 1
Variant 2: The cover has an opening at the top in the
centre for removal. Place the screwdriver at
the opening and lift the top of the cover for-
wards with the screwdriver.
Diagram 6b: Variant 2
Diagram 6c: Removing the protective film
Removing/inserting the bus terminal (Diagram 7)
To remove the bus terminal, carefully insert the
screwdriver in the wire entry slot in the grey section
of the bus terminal (D2.2) and pull the bus terminal
(D2) out of the driver (D1).
To insert the bus terminal, place the bus terminal (D2)
in the guide slot of the driver with bus connection
(D1) and press the bus terminal (D2) downwards until
it reaches the stop.
Do not jumper bus connections as there is a
danger of shorting the device.
Diagram 7: Removing the bus terminal
Disconnecting the bus cable (Diagram 8)
Remove the bus terminal (D2) as shown in Diagram 8
and pull out the conductor (D3) of the bus cable by
simultaneously rotating backwards and forwards.
Diagram 8: Disconnecting the bus cables
D 2.1
D 2.2
D 2
D 2.3
D 1
D 2