Notes on configuration and operation
5.3 The wake-up SMS
CP 1242-7 V2
Operating Instructions, 05/2014, C79000-G8976-C311-00
Wake-up call and wake-up SMS
The CP is woken by its communications partner using a wake-up call or a wake-up SMS and
requested to establish the connection to the partner.
Depending on the connection type and the connection partner, the following text must be
transferred in the wake-up SMS:
For telecontrol connections:
Text for the wake-up SMS message for establishing a connection to the telecontrol
Text for the wake-up SMS message for establishing a connection to the main
telecontrol server:
Text for the wake-up SMS message for establishing a connection to the substitute
telecontrol server:
The configuration of the telecontrol server for the CP 1242-7 GPRS V2 is set in STEP 7
in "Telecontrol interface > Operating mode > main or substitute telecontrol server".
Wake-up with a mobile phone
One of the texts listed above can be used in a wake-up SMS message.
With a wake-up call, the station always connects to the main telecontrol server.
For TeleService connections:
Text for the wake-up SMS message for establishing a connection to the first
configured TeleService server:
Text for the wake-up SMS message for establishing a connection to the second
configured TeleService server:
For TeleService, no extra wake-up SMS needs to be sent since the connection
establishment is initiated by the engineering station.
The phone number of the TeleService must also be configured in the STEP 7 project for
the CP in the "Authorized phone numbers" list.
The configuration of the TeleService server for the CP 1242-7 GPRS V2 is set in STEP 7
in "Telecontrol interface > TeleService settings.