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Template: Mars 143x105 1Col
, Version 1.2; VAR Language
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left page (58)
of CC75 MARS FCC_1COL us-en, (07.10.2005, 16:08)
• National Telecommunications and Information Ad-
The National Institutes of Health also participates in this
In the absence of conclusive information about any
possible risk, what can concerned individuals do?
If there is a risk from these products – and at this point
we do not know that there is – it is probably very small.
But if people are concerned about avoiding even poten-
tial risks, there are simple steps they can take to do so.
For example, time is a key factor in how much exposure
a person receives. Those persons who spend long peri-
ods of time on their hand-held mobile phones could
consider holding lengthy conversations on convention-
al phones and reserving the hand-held models for
shorter conversations or for situations when other
types of phones are not available.
People who must conduct extended conversations in
their cars every day could switch to a type of mobile
phone that places more distance between their bodies
and the source of the RF, since the exposure level drops
off dramatically with distance. For example, they could
switch to:
• a mobile phone in which the antenna is located out-
side the vehicle,