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of CC75 MARS FCC_1COL us-en, (07.10.2005, 16:08)
lymphocytes. None of the tests showed any effect of
the RF except for the micronucleus assay, which detects
structural effects on the genetic material. The cells in
this assay showed changes after exposure to simulated
cell phone radiation, but only after 24 hours of expo-
sure. It is possible that exposing the test cells to radia-
tion for this long resulted in heating. Since this assay is
known to be sensitive to heating, heat alone could have
caused the abnormalities to occur. The data already in
the literature on the response of the micronucleus as-
say to RF are conflicting. Thus follow-up research is
FDA is currently working with government, industry,
and academic groups to ensure the proper follow-up to
these industry-funded research findings. Collaboration
with the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Associa-
tion (CTIA) in particular is expected to lead to FDA pro-
viding research recommendations and scientific over-
sight of new CTIA-funded research based on such
Two other studies of interest have been reported re-
cently in the literature:
• Two groups of 18 people were exposed to simulated
mobile phone signals under laboratory conditions
while they performed cognitive function tests. There
were no changes in the subjects' ability to recall
words, numbers, or pictures, or in their spatial mem-
ory, but they were able to make choices more quickly