Base Station System
Technical Description (TED:BSS)
the TX parts of the duplex filter
The DC power for the TMA is feed into the triplexer by the PDU (Power Distribution Unit)
functionality of the DUAMCO/DIAMCO.
The Encoder/Decoder units of the TMA signalling interface generate an alarm for each
TMA separately by supervising the DC current consumption of each unit.
Note: When the TMA is used the DUAMCO/DIAMCO works in the so called MUCO
(multi coupler) mode. In the MUCO mode, the DUAMCO/DIAMCO mainly works as multi
coupler to split the receive signal for the following CUs.
High Power Duplexer Unit (HPDU)
The High Power Duplexer has the task of combining the TX- and the RX-path into one
antenna, in order to minimize the number of antennas when FICOM is used. The HPDU
contains a duplex filter for the transmit frequency band and for the receive frequency
band, but no Low Noise Amplifier in the RX path.
If the TMA shall be used together with a HPDU a so called BIAS-T (DUBIAS) for
powering and signalling of the TMA is required. Up to two HPDU can be integrated on
top of the Rack below the cover and also up to two HPDU could be fit in the gap between
the inner side wall and the Frame in the Shelter.
Note: HPDU is available for working in the P-GSM 900, GSM 1800 and GSM-PS 900.
DC Panel (DCP)
The DC Panel contains the circuit breakers to protect the DC power lines for the
modules, the ACTP, FAN units, HEX, LE units and the ACTC where the Rack/Shelter
alarms will be connected. The temperature sensor is integrated in the ACTC. The front
panel of the DC Panel for the Base Rack or shelter carries the connector for the Local
Maintenance Terminal (LMT).
Alarm Collection Terminal (ACT)
The Alarm Collection Terminal contains the interface to the external alarms (Operator
alarms, Rack alarms, shelter alarms,...) and commands and a CAN-BUS interface to the
ACTC is part of the DC-Panel and therefore it is installed once in every Rack/Shelter to
collect all internal alarms. It has inputs for 16 internal alarms (1 Door, 6 Fans and 9
Rack/Shelter, internal alarms, which can be defined by the operator). In the Base
Rack/Shelter the ACTC is direct connected to the COBA. In all other Racks/Shelters, the
ACTC is connected to the ACTP.
The ACTM and ACTP contain their own DC/DC converter on board, a controller, inter-
faces towards the CAN-Bus and an alarm interface for 16 Rack/Shelter alarms or site
inputs. ACTM has an additional interface for Operator Alarms (48 site inputs). ACTM
and ACTP have a DIP Switch device to set the Rack address.
The tasks of the ACT are:
Collection of all alarms for units having no access to O&M BUS to CORE.
Collection of so-called cabinet specific alarms (Rack, Shelter).
Collection of so-called operator available alarms (Site Inputs).
Distribution of operator available commands (Site Outputs).