Siemens Industry, Inc.
Building Technologies Division
P/N 315-049708-5
Air Duct Sampling Tube Pressure Measurement
The Model PDM-3 Pressure Differential Measuring device
should be used to ensure that the sampling tube pressure
differential is within the specified limits. The differential
pressure between the two tubes should be greater than 0.01
inches of water and less than 1.2 inches of water. Qualified
personnel should take measurements in accordance with
the PDM-3 instructions, P/N 315-085535.
Conduit Knockouts Determine knockout size required based upon installation
wiring. Refer to Figure 4. Select knockout and remove by
placing screwdriver at center of knockout and tap with a
hammer until the knockout breaks out. Clean the hole before
installing conduit.
The AD2-P, AD2-PR and AD2-XHR should be connected as
shown in Figures 5, 6 and 7.
Note any limitations on the
number of detectors and restrictions on the use of remote
devices permitted for each circuit.
The AD2-P is used with the PE-11/PE-11C and FP-11/FP-11C.
It is also used with the HFP-11/HFPO-11 detector in the
FireFinder-XLS, FS-250, FC2005, FC2025, FC2050, FC901,
FC922 or FC924 System. The AD2-P is also used with the
SFP-11/SFPO-11 detector in the FS-250C System. The AD2-
XHR must be used for the relay version. Also, all optional
accessories in the same loop must be compatible with the
detector series being used. These devices should be
interconnected as shown in Figure 7 and wired to the DLC,
FS-DLC, FDLC, FCI2016/17-U1, FC2005 or FC901. (Refer to
the DLC Installation Instructions, P/N 315-033090, or the FS-
250 Manual, P/N 315-049353, or the FS-250C Manual, P/N
315-049589C, or the FCI2016/17-U1 Manual, P/N
A6V10315038, or the FC2005 Manual, P/N A6V10333722, or
Figure 4
Removing the Knockouts