SICAM AI Unit 7XV5674, Product Information
E50417-B1150-C492-A1, Edition 09.2012
installation, operation, or maintenance.
If you need any further information, or if you are facing
special problems that this document does not deal with
in sufficient detail, please feel free to order the manual
mentioned in Chapter 1.
If you have any questions about the device, please con-
tact our Siemens sales partner responsible in your
Our Energy Customer Support Center is available to
you twenty-four hours a day.
Phone:+49 (1805) 24-8437
Fax: +49
Internet: http://www.siprotec.de
e-mail: [email protected]
Information for Your Safety
These Product Information do not list all the safety
measures required to operate the equipment (module,
device), since specific operating conditions may make
additional measures necessary. However, they contain
important information that you must observe in order to
ensure your personal safety and to avoid material
damage. Such information is highlighted by a warning
triangle and indicated as follows depending on the
degree of danger: