Support is available through an online Support Request service; a link is provided in the table at the end of this
When contacting Siemens for support:
Please provide complete product information:
For hardware, this information is provided on the product nameplate (part number or model number,
serial number, and/or version).
For most software, this information is given in the Help > About screen.
If there is a problem with product operation:
Is the problem intermittent or repeatable? What symptoms have been observed?
What steps, configuration changes, loop modifications, etc. were performed before the problem
What status messages, error messages, or LED indications are displayed?
What troubleshooting steps have been performed?
Is the installation environment (e.g. temperature, humidity) within the product’s specified operating
parameters? For software, does the PC meet or exceed the minimum requirements (e.g. processor,
memory, operating system)?
A copy of the product Service Instruction, User’s Manual, or other technical publication should be at hand. The
Siemens public Internet site (see the table) has current revisions of technical literature, in Portable Document
Format, for downloading.
To send an instrument to Siemens for warranty or non-warranty service, call Repair Service and request a
Return Material Authorization (RMA).
An instrument must be thoroughly cleaned (decontaminated) to remove any process materials,
hazardous materials, or blood-borne pathogens prior to return for repair. Read and complete the
Siemens RMA form(s).
Contact Information
For the location of your local Siemens representative, visit the Siemens Process Instrumentation product support
page at
For technical support refer to the following table and click the appropriate link.
Technical Support
Online Support Request
1 800 333 7421
Hours of Operation
8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. eastern time, Monday through Friday (except holidays)
in PDF
then click the product line (e.g. Control Solutions)
Public Internet Site
Repair Service
1 800 365 8766 extension 3187 (for warranty and non-warranty service)