Product documentation 1D
Rev. E, 10/13
page 8/42
Significant (relevant) terms
Warning terms such as
which are mentioned in
this operational instructions are used to inform about danger or extraordinary information that require special
means that in case a person does not adhere to it, his life can be jeopardised or he may cause
damage to property.
means that in case a person does not adhere to it, he may induce difficult injury or cause damage
to property.
means hat in case a person does not adhere to it, he may induce an injury or cause damage to
means that there are extraordinary and special technical connections that are not
obvious even for experts.
Regardless, it is also necessary to adhere to recommendations that are not specially emphasized,
regarding transport, operation and maintenance as well as technical data (which are given in operational
instructions, production documentation and on the machine itself) to prevent breakdown which can either
directly or indirectly induce difficult injuries of people or cause damage to property.
Qualified staff are operators who were in charge of safety of device, who are able to perform all
necessary activities and at the same time recognize and prevent possible danger. These operators have to
perform above mentioned as the result of their education, experience, previous training as well as acquiring
knowledge of standards, provisions, regulations, safety of work and working relations.
Above all qualification of staff providing service and maintenance has to correspond to the laws
concerning work on heavy-current devices of a particular country which the device is operated in.
Besides, knowledge of provisions of first aid and local rescue devices is necessary as well.
Concerning work on heavy-current devices, restriction of employing unqualified people is determined
in e.g. IEC 60364-4-41:2.
General safety information
Herein mentioned machines are parts of heavy-current devices for industrial extent of use. They are
produced in compliance with corresponding and acknowledged technical regulations.
It is supposed that basic planned operations with a device as well as all operations concerning
transport, assembly, installation, launching, maintenance and repairs will be performed by qualified staff or
checked by responsible experts.
Concurrently it is necessary to take the following into consideration:
Technical data and data of admissible use (assembly connection terms, environmental terms and operational
terms), which are, among others, stated in a catalogue, in operational instructions, orders, name plates and in
the other technical documentation.
General establishing and safety provisions. Local provisions and requirements which are specific for the
device. Qualified use of tools, lifting and transport devices. Use of personal protective devices.
Duty of responsible people to take part in training on safety of employees in accordance with SAFETY
PROVISIONS as well as keeping to the laws of a country in which the device is operated. Above all the laws,
concerning protection of environment, handling with waste, safety use of substances that are dangerous for
lives or environment e.g. cleaners, lubricants, adhesives, varnishes etc. Detailed information about these
special products can be found in a “list of safety data” provided by producers or importer of a product.
Operational instructions cannot contain all detailed information concerning different construction variants
and cannot take into consideration every possible occurrence of installation, operation or maintenance owing