SE130/250T IP Ignition Protected thruster assembly
versjon1.3 - 2015
Before seeking assistance at the help desk of your Sidepower dealer / distributor please perform these tests and make notes of all mea-
surements to ensure that they have as much information as possible to work on.
NB! All check points and solutions must be carried out after consulting the relevant information elsewhere in this manual to under-stand how
the system is intended to work. If you are unable to understand what to check, you must consult a professional.
Trouble shooting
Check the flexible coupling and the motor installation to ensure correct con
nection of the flexible coupling before re-fitting the electromotor
Re-fasten or replace the propeller and/or key.
In case of a failure inside the gearhouse, we advice to get a replacement gear-
house instead of attempting to repear the internal gear and bearing system.
If wrong, contact your dealer or distributor to obtain parts with the correct voltage.
The no load voltage should be:
12V system =12,7V / 24V system = 25,4 V. If below 12,3V / 24,6V your bat-
teries are not in a good charge state or worn out and must be recharged or
replaced before trying to run the thruster.
If less than 8,5V at the thruster the voltage is to low for the thruster to operate cor-
rectly. In a 24V boat the thruster will operate down to approx. 12V, but the perfor-
mance will be very bad. Find and correct the reason for this low voltage which will
probably be one or more of these points: main battery cable sizes and connec-
tions, battery size and condition, fuse and main power switch performance
If the thruster runs in both directions, try the same in the connector that goes
into the back of the control panel. If it also works in this position, check the
contact and wires on the back of the panel and try to engage this again by
pushing both ON buttons simultaneously. If the panel does not turn on (see
control light), measure the voltage between the Red and the Black in the con-
tact going into the thruster. If the voltage is good, chances are that the panel
is not working.
If it works by the thruster, and not by the panel there is a bad contact or a
broken lead the controlcables between these two test points.
Measure that you have the correct voltage between the Red (+) and all the
other colours in the contact. If you do not get a reading.
Between main minus (A1 on motor) and the blue and the grey wire connec-
ted to the sides of the main solenoids you should have the same voltage as
between the main battery cables on the thruster.
If not, check that the internal wiring on the solenoid is ok and measure that
there is contact through the magnetising spools of each side of the solenoid
(measure between the red and blue on one side, and red and grey on the
other side with an Ohm meter.). If there are no contact between these, the
solenoid is broken and needs replacing.
If less than 10,5 V / 21V the thruster will not perform at specified effect.
If one or more brushes are loose/has no tension from the brush-spring, the
performance will be low.
If there are growth in the tunnel, this will disturb / block the waterflow and
especially barnacles on the propeller will greatly reduce performance.
Re-charge battery(ies), if this is not sufficient, replace battery(ies).
Check for bad cable connections, if necessary tighten/re-adjust connections.
Check cable size in accordance to manual.
Shut off thruster main switch, tap slightly on the solenoid to see if it will rele-
ase. Turn on thruster main switch. If solenoid is still in lock-in mode, replace
If the flexible coupling between the motor and dri
veshaft is not fitted correct inside the boat
Are the propellers in the tunnel fastened correctly
on the prop-shaft (key present)
With the motor removed, turn the driveshaft from
inside the boat to feel if the gears are engaging and
turning the prop-shaft.
Check that the voltage of the electromotor are cor-
rect for your installation by their labels.
Check the voltage at the thruster between main minus
input (A1 on motor) and main plus input point:
Check the voltage at the thruster while you are try-
ing to run it. Keep main engine(s) running to have
continous charge to the batteries.
If the main solenoids on the thruster are not even
trying to engage (clicking) they are probably not
getting a "run" signal from the control system. Try
to run the thruster without the panel by directly con-
necting the red and the blue or the red and the grey
wires in the controlcable contact coming from the
If the thruster does not run at all, or only in one direction
in the above tests, check the internal wiring on the
thruster motor, solenoids and electronic motor inter-
face box to be in accordance with the wiring diagram
and ensure that all connections are clean and tight.
Check voltage at thruster when running
Check that all the brush-springs sits correctly on the
brushes in the electromotor.
Check that the propeller, gearhouse and tunnel is
free from growth / barnacles etc.
Solenoid flapping, most probable cause: low
Solenoid lock-in, auto stop of thruster, auto retry
every 10 seconds.
The electromotor runs, but there is no thrust.
The thruster does not start at all or works only in one direction.
The thruster has an unexpected low performance.
The thruster runs for approximately 0,5 seconds every 4 seconds.
The thruster runs for approximately 0,5 seconds every 10 seconds.