The UE4140-22I0000 PROFIsafe gateway
The UE1140-22I0000 PROFIBUS gateway
The UE1840-22H0000 Ethernet gateway
The UE1940-22I0000 CANopen gateway
The UE4740-20H0000 PROFINET IO gateway
Example applications
The examples shown are only intended to help with planning. Additional protective mea‐
sures for the application may need to be considered.
In the case of the examples with monitoring case switching, bear in mind that a person
may already be in the protective field when switching takes place. Only by switching in
the correct time frame (i.e., before the hazard occurs at this point for the person) is pro‐
tection provided.
Hazardous area protection
In hazardous area protection, people are detected if they stay in a defined area. This
type of protective device is suitable for machines, where it is possible to see a haz‐
ardous area completely from the reset pushbutton. When the hazardous area is
entered, a stop signal is triggered and starting is prevented.
Figure 16: Hazardous area protection: detection of the presence of a person in the hazardous
Hazardous point protection
In hazardous point protection, the approach is detected very close to the hazardous
point. The advantage of this type of protective device is that it is possible to have a
short minimum distance and the operator can work more ergonomically.
8009942/ZA18/2019-11-14 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | S3000
Subject to change without notice