Description of the device window
The device window features various views supporting a selection of functions:
: Start device configuration with display of information about the device (left-
hand side) and display of the current scan (right-hand side).
The scan view can be customized with the assistance of various tools (to the left of
the scan view), for example:
: Resets scan display to default view.
: Displays measured values as points or lines.
: Freely rotates scan display.
: Changes the perspective of the LiDAR sensor.
: Scan display (left-hand side), entry of the device parameters as well as
display of the IMU (inertial measurement unit) data, entry of the mounting position
as well as parameterization of the contamination indication (right-hand side):
Distance measurement
: input fields for output data format, output control and output
range (right-hand side).
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | LMS1104C-111031S01
8023051/1AZG/2021-05-10 | SICK
Subject to change without notice