The reset brings the protective device back to the monitoring state after it has sent
a stop command. The reset also quits the start-up or restart interlock of a protective
device, so that the machine can be restarted in a second step.
The reset must only be possible, when all safety functions and protective devices are
The reset of the protective device must not introduce any movement or dangerous
situations itself. The machine is only permitted to start after the reset once a separate
start command has been sent.
Manual resets are performed using a separate, manually operated device, such as
a reset pushbutton.
Automatic resets by the protective device are only permitted in special cases, if
one of the following conditions is met:
It must not be possible for people to be in the hazardous area without
triggering the protective device.
It must be ensured that no people are in the hazardous area during or after
the reset.
Each safety output of the safety laser scanner is equipped with a configurable internal
restart interlock.
With safety outputs via the network, resetting is done via a network signal.
When the internal restart interlock is used, the following sequence is the result for the
machine operator:
A safety output of the safety laser scanner switches to the OFF state, if there is an
interruption in the protective field.
The safety output remains in the OFF state when there is no longer an object in
the protective field.
The safety output only switches back to the ON state when the operator presses
the reset pushbutton, which is outside the hazardous area. If there is an object in
the protective field when the reset pushbutton is pressed, the safety output stays
in the OFF state.
After the reset, the operator can restart the machine in a second step.
Hazard due to unexpected starting of the machine
Affix the control switch for resetting the restart interlock outside the hazardous
Make sure that the control switch cannot be activated by a person who is in the
hazardous area.
Also make sure that the person activating the control switch has a complete view
of the hazardous area.
Integration into the network
Network topology
The device is suitable for the following network topologies:
8027931/2022-10-24 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | outdoorScan3 – PROFINET
Subject to change without notice