Siborg Smart Tweezers ST5-S Скачать руководство пользователя страница 20


To reset (set to zero) the stored offset for a particular test mode
•  Select manual L, C or R measurement mode (see MODE menu)
•  Enable the HOLD mode (see HOLD menu) 
•  Enter the NULL menu and select ZERO
To reset the NULL mode completely select AUTOSET from 

the main menu or DEFAULT from the SETTINGS menu.


Allows to hold last reading on display.


Period menu is used to set the time period between measurements. 

This setting does not affect measurement accuracy.
Default setting is 1sec. 



: Short period may reduce the battery life.

Содержание Smart Tweezers ST5-S

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Страница 2: ...ontrols 6 PowerOn 7 MenuStructuresAndFunctions 9 MeasurementFeatures 20 MeasuringResistance 20 MeasuringCapacitance 20 MeasuringInductance 21 Maintenance 22 Labelling VerificationRequirements 23 AppendixA Specifications 24 AppendixB DefaultSettings 25 AppendixC AccuracySpecification 26 ...


Страница 4: ...using Donotusethedeviceifitappearstobedamaged Do not use the device if it operates abnormally Do not attempt to measure any components in circuit when your circuit is alive or active ToavoidpossibledamagetoSmartTweezersortothe equipmentundertest followtheseguidelines Disconnect circuit power supply and discharge all high voltage capacitors before testing resistance inductance or capacitance Do not...

Страница 5: ...capableofmeasuringresistance capacitance orinductanceoverarangeofmorethan8ordersof magnitude Thedevicehasabasicaccuracybetterthan 0 2 resistance andoperatesatfourtestfrequencies SmartTweezersiscontrolledbyamicrocontrollerthatsets measurementconditions processesdataandoperatesthedisplay anduserinterface Thedevicehasauniquemechanicaldesignthat allowsmanipulationSMTcomponentswithsizedownto0201 Inactu...

Страница 6: ...nt I Ri VoltageacrosstheDUTismeasuredbyaseparatesignalpath amplifierAU thusprovidingapseudo4 wireKelvinconnection VoltageandcurrentsignalsareprocessedbytheA Dconverter Obtainedvaluesarethencorrectedusingcalibrationfactors convertedtoimpedanceandsenttothedisplay Therearefourselectablefrequencies 100Hz 120Hz 1 0kHzand10kHz Theoutputfrequencyisaccurate to50ppm 0 005 Frequenciesaresetinthemenu orbymov...

Страница 7: ...ingofSmartTweezers Thenavigationswitchcanbemoved rocked in4directions UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT Selection isperformedbypressingalongtheverticalaxis PRESS QuickControls TheQuickControlsallowchangingtestparametersormodes withoutenteringthegeneralmenubymovingtheNavigation ControlUP DOWN LEFTandRIGHTasshownbelow 5 Note Toavoiderrorsdo notusetheQuickControls duringcomponent measurement UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT 10 k...

Страница 8: ...ftimeoutvaluecanbesetbychanging theTIMEOUTsettingintheSYSTEMmenu Thedefaultpower offtimeoutis30secondsina measurementmodeand30secondsintheMENUmode Note Automaticpower offdoesnotoccuriftest frequencyismanuallysetto10kHz DISPLAY Thescreenisdividedinfourareas UP changetestranges DOWN changetestsignallevels LEFT RIGHT changemeasurementmodes Primary Display Secondary Display Test Parameters Device Stat...

Страница 9: ...eindicateAuto Resistance Inductance Capacitance ImpedanceandESR measurementandDiodeTestmoderespectively DISPLAYEDPARAMETERS Themeasurementmodesetting R L R C R C D L Q Z ESRandAUTO determinesthemeasurement typeandthedisplayedparameters RMODE ResistanceisshownonthePrimaryTheresistance displayediseithertheequivalentseriesorparallelresistance oftheDUT ResistanceunitsaremΩ Ω kΩ orMΩ L RMODE Inductance...

Страница 10: ... and thusalowD Z MODE TheImpedanceofthecomponentisshown onPrimaryDisplay UnitsaremΩ Ω kΩ orMΩ ESRMODE Theequivalentseriesresistanceofthecapacitoris shownonthePrimaryDisplay ESRunitsaremΩ Ω kΩ orMΩ AUTOMODE STdetermineswhichcomponentmodelisthemost accuraterepresentationoftheDUTandautomaticallyselectsthe appropriateparameterset Thedeterminationismadeasfollows For Q 0 15 the R mode is selected ForQ 0...

Страница 11: ...lUPorDOWNtomovecursor tothedesiredmenuitemandPRESSittoselecttheitem TheCurrentSettingcursorindicatesthecurrentsetting MAINMENU MainmenuisusedtoaccessSystemmenu Measurementmenuorto restoremeasurementparameterstothedefaultstateusingAutoset Select AUTOSET to reset parameters to the default settings SelectSYSTEMtochangeuserinterfaceandoperationparameters Select MEASURE to specify measurement settings ...

Страница 12: ...hemeasurementconfirmationsound SelectOFF todisablesoundforallfunctionsexceptforthe NavigationControloperation SelectR TONEtoenableaspecialmodewhenbeepfrequencyvaries dependingonthemeasuredresistancevalueintheResistanceMode seetheMeasurementMenusection Resistancethresholdsforthe R TONEvariationsarepresetto Higher than 20 Ohm 10 Ohm 5 Ohm Ohm 0 5 Ohm and lower ...

Страница 13: ...splay mode Select LEFT to set the Left Handed display mode CONTRAST SelectCONTRtoadjustdisplaycontrast MoveNavigation ControlUPorDOWNtochangecontrast PRESSto exitmenuattheadjustedcontrastlevel TIMEOUT SelectTIMEOUTtoadjustthetimeoutbeforetheunitgoesto sleepmode MoveNavigationControlUPorDOWNtochange thetimeoutvalue 10sec 200sec PRESStoexitthemenu SERVICEMENU ...

Страница 14: ...eSerialNumber andthefirmwareversion MEASUREMENTMENU Measurementmodesandsettings MODEMENU TheModemenuisusedtosetthemeasurementmode SelectRES IND CAP IMPorESRmenuitemstomeasuredesirablecomponentor parameterasResistance Inductance Capacitance Impedanceand ESRaccordingly ForautomaticmeasurementselectAUTO default ...

Страница 15: ...formation INDUCTANCEMODE EnablesCapacitancemeasurementmode SeesectionMEASUREMENTFEATURESformoreinformation CAPACITANCEMODE EnablesCapacitancemeasurementmode SeesectionMEASUREMENTFEATURESformoreinformation IMPEDANCEMODE EnablestheImpedance measurementmode Note SeesectionMEASUREMENTFEATURESformoreinformation ESRMODE EnablestheESR measurementmode Seesection MEASUREMENTFEATURESformoreinformation DIODE...

Страница 16: ...r TESTFREQUENCYMENU Usethismenutosetdesiredtestfrequency RDQMENU Usethismenutosetsecondarydisplayparameter Thefollowingcombinationsareallowed C R capacitance resistance C D capacitance dissipation factor L R inductance resistances L Q inductance quality factor ...

Страница 17: ...delwillbemoreaccurate Inmostcases partsarebest approximatedbytheseriesmodel Manufacturersoftenspecify whichrepresentationshouldbeusedwhentestingtheirdevices TheLCRmetercandisplayAutomatic A Parallel S orSeries P modeldata Usethismenutochoosetheparallelandseriesmodel Seriesmodelissetasthedefaultsetting TOLERANCEMENU Thisfunctionisdesignedforcomponentsorting Itcheckswhetherthe measuredcomponentiswit...

Страница 18: ...tting tolerance ToresetthetolerancemodeselectAUTOSETfromthe mainmenuorDEFAULTfromthesettingsmenu NULLMENU Allowsstoringofmeasurementoffsetsto performrelativemeasurements NULL Whenrelativemeasurementsareperformed alsocalled null eachreadingisthedifferencebetweenastored measured relativevalueoroffsetandtheinputsignal Onecommonapplicationistoincreasetheaccuracy ofasmallresistancemeasurementbystoring ...

Страница 19: ...e the HOLD mode see HOLD menu Short tweezers leads to obtain offset value Enter the NULL menu and select SET Example2 Nullingtestleadsforsmallcapacitancemeasurement SelectmanualCmeasurementmode seeMODEmenu and10KHz testfrequency seeSETTINGSmenu EnabletheHOLDmode seeHOLDmenu Bringtweezersleadstothedistanceequalto thesizeofthecomponenttomeasure e g 0 5 mm toobtaincapacitanceoffsetvalue EntertheNULLm...

Страница 20: ...LD menu Enter the NULL menu and select ZERO ToresettheNULLmodecompletelyselectAUTOSETfrom themainmenuorDEFAULTfromtheSETTINGSmenu HOLDMENU Allowstoholdlastreadingondisplay PERIODMENU Periodmenuisusedtosetthetimeperiodbetweenmeasurements Thissettingdoesnotaffectmeasurementaccuracy Defaultsettingis1sec Note Shortperiodmayreducethebatterylife ...

Страница 21: ...sthan25mΩandmay increaseifthegoldonthetweezertipswearsout Theoffset valueshouldbeusedincalculationoftheactualresistance MEASURINGCAPACITANCE Test frequency 0 1kHz 1 kHz 10kHz 120Hz Test signal amplitude 0 5 1 0 Vrms Sine wave Source impedance 100 Ω Test period 1 Sec default Equivalent circuit diagram Parallel C 500 pF Serial C 500 pF InAUTOmodetheSmartTweezersfirsttriestoperform measurementat1kHza...

Страница 22: ...entsizes Componentsize Offset pF 1206 0 58 0805 0 6 0603 0 65 0402 0 7 MEASURINGINDUCTANCE Test frequency 0 1kHz 1 kHz 10kHz 120Hz Test signal amplitude 0 5 1 0 Vrms Sine wave Source impedance 100 Ω Test period 1 Sec default Equivalent circuit diagram Serial In AUTO mode ST automatically selects the best test frequency and is capableofmeasuringinductancefrom1μHto1kH Tomeasureinductance lowerthan5μ...

Страница 23: ...sistors capacitors andinductors haveparasiticcomponents Thus simplecomponents shouldbemodeledascompleximpedances Test frequency 0 1kHz 1 kHz 10kHz 120Hz Test signal amplitude 0 5 1 0 Vrms Sine wave Source impedance 100 Ω Test period 1 Sec default Equivalent circuit diagram Serial MAINTENANCE GENERALMAINTENANCE Dirtormoistureonthe tipsmayaffectmeasurementaccuracy Cleanthetips regularly Donotuseabra...

Страница 24: ...wingstepscouldbe performedinordertotroubleshoottheproblem 1 Check battery voltage and recharge if necessary 2 Review this manual for possible mistakes in the operating procedure 3 Reset device by reconnecting battery requires top lid and the circuit board removal CAUTION SmartTweezersrepairsshouldonlybeperformedby anAuthorizedServiceCenterorbyqualifiedservicepersonnel LABELLING VERIFICATIONREQUIRE...

Страница 25: Source impedance 100Ω 1 TYPICALOFFSET Resistance 25 mΩ Capacitance 0 65 pF Inductance 100 uH Offsetvalueshouldbesubtractedfrommeasurementresultfor smallvaluecomponents R 10Ω C 100pF L 10μH MEASUREMENTRANGES Parameter MeasurementRange Testfrequency Resistance 9 9MΩ 1kHz Capacitance 9999pF 10kHz 10000pFto10μF 1kHz 10uF 100Hz Inductance 0 5μHto1mH 10kHz 1mHto1000mH 1kHz 1000mH 100Hz ...

Страница 26: ...001 Phase angle F 0 1 deg indicationoftheparameternotimplementedinsome versions Auto mode Read out Dominant parameter Equivalent circuit diagram Serial Parallel for C R Serial for L R Manual Mode Read out Dominant or secondary parameter Equivalent circuit diagram Parallel or serial Measurement update rate Up to 4 measurements per second Battery Type 3 7V LiPO rechargeable 180mAH Typical charge tim...

Страница 27: ...o change APPENDIXC ACCURACYSPECIFICATION RESISTANCE IMPEDANCE Range Resolution 100Hz 1kHz 10kHz 1Ω 0 001Ω 0 7 50 0 7 50 0 7 50 10Ω 0 01Ω 0 7 8 0 7 8 0 7 8 100Ω 0 01Ω 0 2 3 0 2 3 0 2 3 1000Ω 0 1Ω 0 2 3 0 2 3 0 2 3 10kΩ 0 001kΩ 0 2 3 0 2 3 0 2 3 100kΩ 0 01kΩ 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 1000kΩ 0 1kΩ 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 10MΩ 0 001MΩ 2 0 8 2 0 8 5 0 8 Accuracyfortheranges1Ω 100Ωisspecified aftersubtractoftheoffset...

Страница 28: ...1000pF 0 1pF NA NA 0 5 5 0 5 3 100pF 0 01pF NA NA 0 5 10 0 8 20 10pF 0 001pF NA NA NA 1 0 50 Accuracyfortherangesof10pF 1000pFiSspecifiedaftersubtractofthestray capacitancesfortestleads INDUCTANCE Range Resolution 100Hz 1kHz 10kHz 10µH 0 001µH NA NA 1 0 5 100µH 0 01µH NA 1 0 5 0 7 3 1mH 0 1µH 0 7 10 0 5 3 0 5 3 10mH 0 001mH 0 5 3 0 2 3 0 5 3 100mH 0 01mH 0 5 3 0 2 3 NA 1H 0 1mH 0 2 3 NA NA atoptim...

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