1. Plug power supply 5 volt /1A with microUSB plug
2. Measuring module "Liquid-Check"
3. Fixing material
4. Measuring hose and hose weight (Optional)
When unpacking, check the kit for completeness.
Intended use
The intended use is to accurately measure a level of liquids in pressureless containers. E.g.
water cisterns, tank contents, etc.
Liquid-Check was developed on the basis of the valid safety guidelines and built for use in
European countries.
The electronic measuring system
allows the measurement of liquid levels. By
specifying the shape of the container and the dimensions, the conversion into litres is also car-
ried out. The main useful values are therefore, among other indications, the level of the liquid in
metres and the amount of liquid in litres. The measured values are displayed via the digital dis-
play on the device as well as via A Wi-Fi connection via a PC or a mobile phone. Since the de-
vice has a local web page, the values can also be integrated into SmartHome systems that sup-
port reading values from web pages or HTTP-requests. A program module (see page 12) is
available for the open source SmartHome system "FHEM".
Design of the device
The complete measuring unit including
the LCD display and the W-Lan radio
module are located in a small wall hou-
sing that is easy to assemble. The elect-
ronic components have no connection to
the measuring medium.
The system is bundled with the contai-
ner by a thin hose. The recommended
measuring hose is available as an ac-
cessory and is made of polyurethane.
An examination of the material compati-
bility with the measuring medium is re-
commended. Measurement hoses made
of other materials can optionally be used
for non-suitable measuring media.
The power supply for the system is sup-
plied by a 5Volt plug-in power supply.
For applications without available power
supply, operation is possible, for exam-
ple, via a solar-charged battery module.