Setting/viewing the parameters
Under the heading <Einstellungen> various parameters can be entered.
These are:
Wi-Fi connection data:
Access data to the Wi-Fi network and the host name that the module can usually use to access
the module by pre-http:// in the web browser.
Tank: (Shape-parameters)
The length, height or diameter of the container to be measured, these are usually self-
Messen: (Meassure)
Measuring interval: At what time interval a measurement is performed. The display always
shows the last reading.
Media density: Water has a density of 1 g/cm3, heating oil (HEL) has a range of 0.82 -0.86
g/cm3. On average, therefore, about 0.84 g/cm3
Bodenabstand: (Distance to the tank bottom)
Correction value, how much cm the measuring hose (or measuring tube) is positioned above the
If a web browser does not accept the number entry with comma (,), try it with a point (.)
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WLAN Parameter