960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 www.ShoreTel.com
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** ) Caller will see only called party’s number and not name. Called party will display the callers name.
This applies to internal calls.
Call forwarding has to be done via the ShoreTel user interface.
Display information. Caller will see only called party’s number.
If A calls B. B will see A’s name but A will see only B’s number.
Music on hold is handled locally in the handset (tone).
Configuration Overview
This document describes the major steps needed to configure the ShoreTel system and the Ascom IP DECT
handset and base station so that they work together.
ShoreTel Configuration
This section describes the ShoreTel system configuration to support the Ascom. The section is divided into
general system settings and individual user configuration needed to support the IP DECT handsets.
ShoreTel System Settings - General
The first settings to address within the ShoreTel system are the general system settings. These configurations
include the call control, the switch and the site settings. If these items have already been configured on the
system, skip this section and go on to the “ShoreTel System Settings – Individual Users” section below.
Call Control Settings
The Call Control Options within ShoreWare Director may need to be reconfigured. To configure these
settings for the ShoreTel system, log into ShoreWare Director and select
and then
Figure 2