Midwest Industries, Inc.
Ida Grove, IA 51445
Page 9
Rotate the next plastic corner guide 180 degrees so the topside of
the plastic corner guide as described on Post No. 3 is now the bot-
tom. Refer to the drawing of the assembled hoist on page one of
this manual. Place it over Post No. 4. Repeat the attaching process
just described for Post No. 3.
Repeat the process used on Post No. 4 on Post No. 2.
Once all of the plastic corner guides are installed, check the plat-
form assembly again to make sure it is still centered between the
posts. Once the platform is centered, position the plastic corners
guides so they are centered on the posts front to rear of the hoist.
The plastic corner guides should be positioned so they are as
close as possible to the inner side of the posts leaving only a small
amount of clearance to prevent them from rubbing on the inside of
the posts as the platform is raised.
When they are all positioned as described above, tighten securely
into position with the bolts just installed.
Drop Side Weldment Installation
See Diagram C. Locate the drop side weldment that is to be at-
tached between Post No. 2 and 3. Locate four 1” wide top clamps,
four clamp shims, four 3/8” x 3 ½” hex bolts, four 3/8” flat washers,
and four 3/8” flange lock nuts. Slide a top clamp down over each
of Posts No. 2 and 3. Place a flat washer on a 3/8” x 3 ½” hex bolt,
then insert it into the holes in each leg of the top clamp. Place on a
3/8” flange lock nut. Slide the top clamp down the post and position
so that the top edge of the top clamp is located at the point of the
arrow decal on the post. Tighten the bolt securing the clamp in this
position. Repeat this process on the other post.
Place the drop side weldment between Posts No. 2 and 3 and set it
on top of the top clamps just installed. Place another top clamp over
the post and slide down to the drop side weldment Slide a shim on
each side of the drop side weldment between it and the top clamp.
See Detail J of Diagram C. Align the top hole in the 1” top clamp,
shims and drop side weldment. Then place a flat washer on a 3/8”
x 3 ½” hex bolt and insert it through the aligned holes so the bolt is
pointing away from the center of the hoist. Secure with a 3/8” flange
lock nut. Tighten. Repeat on the top clamp on the other post.
When the top clamps are installed and tightened enough to hold
the drop side weldment from sliding, loosen the bolt in the bot-
tom clamp and remove. Slide the bottom clamp up and around the
shim and drop side weldment. Align the holes and re-insert the bolt
just removed. Place on the flange lock nut and tighten. Both bolts
should be re-tightened to make sure they won’t slide down the post
when a load is applied to the platform during use. Repeat this pro-
cess on the other post.
Locate the remaining end of the platform level cable shown in Dia-
gram B. Insert the end of the cable up through the hole provided in
the drop side weldment as shown in Detail J. Place on a 5/8” flat
washer, then thread on a 5/8” hex nut. This nut will be used to level
the platform across the hoist once it is fully assembled. Insert the
plastic end caps provided. Assembly of the drop side is complete.
SS1202 Adjustable Step
Mount the step brackets to the step bunk using four
(4) 3/8” X 2-1/2” carriage bolt down through the
step bunk and step brackets. Secure with 3/8” lock
washers and 3/8” hex nuts.
Determine the location on the drop side weldment
that you that you would mount this assembly and
mark. Attach the step assembly to the drop side
weldment using two (2) 3/8” X 3-7/16” X 3” square
u-bolts and secure with 3/8” lock washers and 3/8”
hex nuts.
Diagram D