2D_Shop camera . English manual
File generated
Files are generated according to proprietary SCB format, aggregation will be 1 file per day as “date.scb”
They are plain text files which can be opened with any editor, like notepad.
This sreen shows the image seen by the camera, as well as the region of interest and 2 counting lines.
Underneath one can see the counting results , the arrow shows the direction of entrance, remember that
the 3 leds must be inside the shop.
It shows ceiling height and filtering height. This feature is not implemented on the 2D counter, it is
indicative for the user.
Figure 6 : Base source menu
This allow you to tune the 2D_Shop versus height and sensitivity
Minimum area
filtering of small objects, default is 20
between 1 and 100 % must be set to have a light grey image
Apply sensitivity
1,2,3 filtering dark pixels
Change the value and validate the input will cause the device to take the new value into account
Make the setting permanent with validation at bottom of the screen