Antenna Installation
(1) Each radome is shipped partially assembled on its own pallet.
Disassemble the radome halves and the radome mounts.
(2) Identify the top radome half (1) by its wide mating flange and the
bottom radome half (2) by its narrow mating flange and drain holes.
(3) Separate the radome halves, keeping the 1/4" radome flange hardware
(3) for installation.
(4) Remove the closure plate hardware (4) at the edges where the mount
will slip under the closure plates. Loosen the other closure plate
hardware (5) and leave the top closure plate (6) and bottom closure
plate (7) in place on the radomes.
b. Install the radome backplate:
With XXL radomes, antenna azimuth is controlled by the design of the
tower mounts. No further alignment by the installer is necessary.
(1) Locate the radome backplate (8) on the feedline (9) as shown, exactly
opposite the baymount flange (10).
Use shims or washers (11) as necessary to fit the back support mount to
the mount flanges.
(2) Bolt the radome backplate to the feedline mount flange, using the 3/8"
backplate hardware (12).
c. Install the bay radiator:
(1) Install a lightly lubricated O-ring (13) into the O-ring groove in the
baymount flange.
(2) Install the radiator (14) onto the baymount flange, making sure the
O-ring remains within the groove and is not pinched between the flange
(3) Secure the radiator using the baymount hardware (15).
d. Install the radome:
(1) Place the top radome half (1) over the radiator (14) and feedline (9) and
into the backplate (8), slipping the ends of the radome backplate under
the top closure plate (6).
(2) Place the bottom radome half (2) over the radiator and feedline and into
the backplate and top radome half, inserting the end of the radome
backplate under the bottom closure plate (7).
(3) Bolt the radome halves loosely to the backplate with the radome-
backplate hardware (16).
You may have to squeeze the radome flanges together slightly with a
clamp to start the nuts. Get all these nuts and bolts in place before tight-
ening them.
(4) Fasten the two radome halves together with the 1/4" radome flange
hardware (3), starting at the feedline side and working around both
sides to the outer edge. Tighten the radome flange hardware.