Shearwater DiveCAN
Dive Phase Description
Petrel Display
Once the NDL hits 0, deco stops will be
needed, which display in the top-right corner�
Also, note that the NDL location is now
displaying additional info, in this case @+5�
TTS has increased to include deco stop time�
It is safe to ascend to 40ft� 2 minutes must be
spent at this deco stop�
While ascending, the bar graph to the right of
the depth shows the ascent rate�
Each bar indicates 10 ft per minute (3m/min) of
ascent rate�
On Deco
Stay at each stop depth until it clears�
Deco Stop
If you ascend shallower than the stop depth,
the display will alarm�
Acknowledge and clear the warning by
pressing the SELECT button�
Re-descend deeper than the stop depth to
clear the flashing red text.
Deco Clear
Once all the deco stops have cleared, you can
ascend to the surface to end the dive�
End of example�
Simple Dive Example