Sharp R-25ST Скачать руководство пользователя страница 37










BALEARES (IBIZA): Reparaciones Ortega

, Cl Via Punica 33, Ibiza, 971/ 39.01.55

BALEARES (MALLORCA): Instalaciones Maes, S.L.

, Cl Son Nadal 63, Palma De Mallorca, 971/ 27.49.47

BARCELONA: Servinters, S.C.C.L.

, Pz Casagemes 20, Badalona, 93/ 389.44.60 / 


, Av Morera 5, Badalona, 93/ 465.22.00 /


, Cl Villarroel 44, Barcelona, 93/ 454.99.08 / 

4 En 1 Reparaciones

, Cl Taquigrafo Marti 19, Barcelona, 93/ 430.97.26 / 


Clinica Del Electrod.

, Cl Balmes 160, Barcelona, 93/ 236.44.11 / 

Pulgar I Edo S.L.

, Cl Castillejos 333, Barcelona, 93/ 436.44.11 /


, Av Diagonal 296, Barcelona, 93/ 408.66.22 / 


, Cl Industria 131, Calella, 93/ 766.22.33 / 

Joaquin Casajoana Pages


Cl Major 19 (Tienda), Castelldefels, 93/ 664.43.60 / 

Electronica Mateos

, Cr De Caldas (Bajos) 76, Granollers, 93/ 849.28.77 / 


, Av

Balmes 90, Igualada, 93/ 805.11.90 / 


, Cl Bruch 55, Manresa, 93/ 872.85.42 / 

Totvisio Electronica S.L.

, Pj Ferrer 14, Manresa, 93/

873.88.81 / 

Ramon Villaret De Gea

, Cl Moli De Vent 21, Mataro, 93/ 798.02.48 / 


, Cl Auquebisbe Creus 12, Mataro, 93/

790.22.89 / 

Salja & Mat

, Cl La Raseta 15 L-3, Molins De Rey, 93/ 668.13.61 / 


, Ps Rubio I Ors 105, Sabadell, 93/ 710.76.13 /

Servei Tecnic Ferrer

, Cl Sarda 37, Sabadell, 93/ 710.51.38 / 

Fix Servicio Tecnico

, Cl Valles 88, Sant Cugat Valles, 93/ 675.59.02 / 


Va. Sat, S.C.

, Cr Matadepera 87, Terrassa, 93/ 785.51.11 / 

Laurea S.A.T

, Cl Guilleries Bis 20, Vic, 93/ 889.02.48 / 

Fred Vilafranca

, Cl

Progres 42, Vilafranca Del Penedes, 93/ 890.48.52 / 

Top Electronica

, Cl Misser Rufet 4 Bjos, Vilafranca Penedes, 93/ 890.35.91



, Pz Juanene 5 Tras., Erandio, 94/ 417.04.97

BURGOS: Servitec Burgos S.L.

, Cl Lavaderos 7-9, Burgos, 947/ 22.41.68 / 

Electronica Mas

, Cl Alfonso Vi 6, Miranda De Ebro, 947/


CACERES: Ruiz Garcia Jose

, Cl Ecuador 5-B, Caceres, 927/ 22.48.86 / 

Arsenio Sanchez, C.B.

, Cl Tornavacas 9, Plasencia, 927/

41.11.21 / 

Radio Sanchez C.B.

, Av De Miajadas S/N, Trujillo, 927/ 32.06.88

CADIZ: Jose Borja Y Jose Arana

, Cl San Antonio 31, Algeciras, 956/ 66.60.53 / 

Galan Sat S.L.

, Cl Cruz Roja Española 11, Cadiz,

956/ 20.14.17 / 


, Pz España 1, Cadiz, 956/ 28.10.82 / 


, Pol. Urbisur, Jorge Juan 4, Chiclana De La Frontera,

956/ 40.12.09 / 

Electronica Y Climatizacion Jeda

, Cl Divina Pastora E-1 L-4,5,6, Jerez La Frontera, 956/ 33.64.99 / 


, Cl

Porvenir 11 Local, Jerez La Frontera, 956/ 33.76.55 / 


, Cl Pagador 31, Pto. Sta. Maria, 956/ 87.07.05 / 

Galan Sat S.L.

, Cl

Factoria Matagorda 52, Puerto Real, 956/ 83.35.35 / 

Rota Electrosur

, Cl Malaga 11, Rota, 956/ 81.59.60

CANTABRIA: Electronica Seyma

, Cl Camilo Alonso Vega 48, Santander, 942/ 32.50.60

CASTELLON: Electronica Maestrat

, Ps Febrer Soriano 65, Benicarlo, 964/ 46.03.08 / 

Asiste, S.L.

, Av De Valencia Nave 19, Castellon,

964/ 21.57.69 / 

Vensat Reparaciones

, Cl Vinaros 24, Castellon, 964/ 20.57.12

CEUTA: Pedro A. Carcaño Lopez

, Cl Urano (Local 7), Ceuta, 956/ 50.43.99


, Cl Campo 56, Tomelloso, 926/ 50.59.96 / 

Electronica Arellano

, Cl Lorenzo Rivas 14, Alcazar De San Juan,

926/ 54.78.95 / 

Lara Technitel

, Cl De La Jara 1, Ciudad Real, 926/ 21.17.87 / 


, Cl Libertad 13, Ciudad Real, 926/ 22.01.55 /


, Cl Pozo 3 4º A, Puertollano, 652/ 79.03.60 / 

Angel Rodero Bellow

, Cl Asturias 26, Tomelloso, 926/ 51.52.76 / 



, Cl Buensuceso 10, Valdepeñas, 926/ 32.23.24

CORDOBA: Electronica Sales

, Cl Andalucia 11, Aguilar Frontera, 957/ 66.09.04 / 

Dueñas Ca|As Teodoro

, Cl Hermano Juan Fdez 15,

Cordoba, 957/ 26.35.06 / 


, Cl Hermano Juan Fdez. 15, Cordoba, 957/ 26.35.06 / 

Microm Electronica

, Av Aeropuerto 2,

Cordoba, 957/ 23.02.22 / 

Antonio Gonzalez Esquinas

, Cl Gral Primo Rivera 61, Peñarroya, 957/ 57.10.50 / 

Serpriego S.L.

, Cl San

Luis 4 Bjo. Izda., Priego De Cordoba, 957/ 54.15.11

GIRONA: Reparaciones Pilsa S.C.

, Cl J. Pascual I Prats 8, Gerona, 972/ 20.66.96 / 

Feliu Canalias

, Cl Major 26, Campdevanol, 972/

73.01.72 / 

Riera Daviu

, Cl Torras Y Bages 19, Figueres, 972/ 50.32.64 / 


, Ps De Barcelona 12, Olot, 972/ 26.55.19 / 



, Cl Surera Bertran 23, Palafrugell, 972/ 30.44.54 / 

Arbe Servei

, Av Pompeu Fabra 134, Palafrugell, 696/ 20.14.08

GRANADA: Servicosta

, Pz Dr. Alvarez Riosol 1, Almuñecar, 958/ 63.11.43 / 

Digimat Electronica

, Av Jose De Mora 16, Baza, 958/ 70-

04-52 / 

Electronica Wenceslao

, Cl Fontiveros 42, Granada, 958/ 81.16.16 / 


, Cl Azorin 7, Granada, 958/ 25.64.77 /


, Cl Hospital De La Virgen 22, Granada, 958/ 20.52.81 / 

Electronica Vargun

, C/.Mozart L-2 Ed.Granate, Granada, 958/


GUADALAJARA: Tecnicas Marvi S.L.

, Pz Capitan Boixareu 51, Guadalajara, 949/ 23.27.63 

Ferreteria Toledano

, Cl Ejercito 17 A,

Guadalajara, 949/ 23.02.61

GUIPUZCOA: Teknibat Electronica

, Cl Zezenbide 4, Eibar, 943/ 70.24.37 / 

Estudios 3, C.B.

, Pz De Los Estudios 3, San Sebastian, 943/

45.37.97 / 

Reparaciones Urruti S.L.

, Ps Aintzieta 32, San Sebastian, 943/ 45.84.10

HUELVA: Abril Sanchez Valentin

, Cl Cadiz 2, Cala, 959/ 10.60.41 / 


, Pol. Polirrosa Cl-A Nave-27, Huelva, 959/ 22.60.74 /

Telesonid Huelva, S.C.A.

, Cl Fco.Vazquez Limon 4, Huelva, 959/ 24.38.60 / 

Airsext Huelva

, Ps De La Glorieta 6, Huelva, 959/

22.88.13 / 

Electro Sur

, Cl Alonso De Ercilla 23, Huelva, 959/ 29.06.15

JAEN: Electronica Gonzalez

, Corredera San Bartolome 11, Andujar, 953/ 50.33.82 / 

Electro Himega, S.A.

, Cl Adarves Bajos 4-C, Jaen,

953/ 24.22.56 / 

Uniservic Electronica

, Cl Goya 1 Bjos, Ubeda, 953/ 75.14.19


, Av Finisterre 117-B, Cee, 981/ 74.74.61 / 

Zener Electronica

, Cl Ronda De Monte Alto 15, La Coruña, 981/

22.07.00 / 

S.T. Mendez

, Cl Gil Vicente 13, La Coruña, 981/ 27.52.52 / 

Bandin Audio

, Cl Rua Arcos Moldes 2 B-3, Rianxo, 981/

86.60.23 / 

Victor Perez Quintela

, Cl Entrerios 35, Santiago De Compostela, 981/ 58.43.92

LA RIOJA: Top Service

, Cl Achutegui De Blas 17, Calahorra, 941/ 13.50.35 / 

Electronica Musand

, Cl Rey Pastor 60-62, Logroño, 941/

22.84.52 / 

Aguado Sat

, Cl Velez De Guevara 26 Bajo, Logroño, 941/ 25.25.53

LEON: Prosat

, Pz Doce Martires 5, Leon, 987/ 20.34.10 / 

Tecnyser Electro

, Cl Relojero Losada 25, Leon, 987/ 22.77.87 / 


Tecnica Marcos

, Cl Conde De Toreno 5, Leon, 987/ 20.01.01 / 

Domespa Bierzo

, Cl Batalla De Lepanto 8, Ponferrada, 987/ 41.14.29


, Cl Sant Pelegri 54, Tarrega, 973/ 50.08.48 / 

Electronica Guirao

, Cl Sant Pere Claver 16 B-2, Tarrega, 973/ 50.02.34 /

Jordi Duro Fort

, Cl Industria 6 3º 3ª, Tremp, 973/ 65.25.15

LLEIDA: Ielsa Electronica

, Cl Tarragona 15, Lleida, 973/ 24.71.27 / 


, Cl Vallcalent 32, Lleida, 973/ 27.08.26

LUGO: Televexo S.L.

, Cl Nosa Sra. Do Carmen 82, Burela, 982/58.18.57 / 

Servicio Tecnico Pasfer

, Av Arcadio Pardiñas 77, Burela,

696/17.86.458 / 

Electronica Penelo

, Cl Serra Gañidoira 63, Lugo, 982/ 21.47.43 / 

Electronica Fouces

, Cl Benito Vicetto 34, Monforte

De Lemos, 982/ 40.24.38

MADRID: Video Service Electronic

, Cl Era Honda 9, Alcala De Henares, 91/ 880.27.87 / 

Variosat, S.L.

, Cl Isla De Corcega 24,

Alcobendas, 91/ 662.04.68 / 


, Cl La Canaleja 4, Alcorcon, 91/ 611.52.51 / 

Electronica Barajas

, Pz Del Jubilado 8, Barajas, 91/

305.48.90 / 


, Cl Santiago Apostol 5, Collado Villalba, 91/851.63.47 / 

Garman C.B.

, Cl Carlos Sole 38 Local, Madrid,

91/380.33.49 / 

Electronica Garman, C.B.

, Cl Mandarina 15, Madrid, 91/ 368.01.79 / 

Electronica Ansar

, Cl Tomasa Ruiz 4, Madrid, 91/

460.47.45 / 

Elbeservi, S.A.

, Cl Dr.R. Castroviejo 19, Madrid, 91/ 386.27.11 / 


, Cl Alfonso Xii 31, Mostoles, 91/ 664.16.41

R-25ST English  20/01/2005  16:19  Page 35

Содержание R-25ST

Страница 1: ...s operation manual contains important information which you should read carefully before using your microwave oven IMPORTANT There may be a serious risk to health if this operation manual is not followed or if the oven is modified so that it operates with the door open R 25ST English 20 01 2005 16 19 Page A ...

Страница 2: ... inspired by the recipes we have included and prepare your own favourite dishes in your microwave oven There are so many advantages to having a microwave oven which we are sure you will find exciting Food can be prepared directly in the serving dishes leaving less to wash up Shorter cooking times and the use of little water and fat ensure that many vitamins minerals and characteristic flavours are...

Страница 3: ...e arise due to inappropriate waste handling 2 In other Countries outside the EU If you wish to discard this product please contact your local authorities and ask for the correct method of disposal For Switzerland Used electrical or electronic equipment can be returned free of charge to the dealer even if you don t purchase a new product Further collection facilities are listed on the homepage of w...


Страница 5: ... provided 11 Turntable 12 Roller stay 13 Seal packing Place the roller stay in the seal packing on the floor of the cavity Then place the turntable on the roller stay To avoid turntable damage ensure dishes or containers are lifted clear of the turntable rim when removing them from the oven NOTE When you order accessories please mention two items part name and model name to your dealer or SHARP au...

Страница 6: symbol or do the necessary operation Stir Turn over Weight Portion Microwave power level Cooking in progress 3 EXPRESS DEFROST button Press to select one of the 5 automatic programmes 4 EXPRESS COOK Express Menu Express Cook buttons Press to select one of the 7 automatic programmes 5 STOP button 6 START 1min button 7 MICROWAVE POWER LEVEL button 8 TIMER WEIGHT PORTION knob 1 2 5 3 6 8 4 7 R 25S...

Страница 7: ...move the outer cabinet Never spill or insert any objects into the door lock openings or ventilation openings In the event of a spill turn off and unplug the oven immediately and call an authorised SHARP service agent To avoid the danger of fire The microwave oven should not be left unattended during operation Power levels that are too high or cooking times that are too long may overheat foods resu...

Страница 8: ...oven Pierce the skin of such foods as potatoes sausages and fruit before cooking or they may explode To avoid the possibility of burns Use pot holders or oven gloves when removing food from the oven to prevent burns Always open containers popcorn makers oven cooking bags etc away from the face and hands to avoid steam burns To avoid burns always test food temperature and stir before serving and pa...

Страница 9: ... Do not put cans in the oven Use only the turntable and the roller stay designed for this oven To prevent the turntable from breaking a Before cleaning the turntable with water leave the turntable to cool b Do not put hot foods or hot utensils on a cold turntable c Do not put cold foods or cold utensils on a hot turntable Do not place anything on the outer cabinet during operation NOTE If you are ...

Страница 10: ...ER WEIGHT PORTION knob clockwise or counter clockwise 2 Press the STOP button if you make a mistake during programming 3 If the electrical power supply to your microwave oven is interrupted the display will intermittently show after the power is reinstated If this occurs during cooking the programme will be erased The time of day will also be erased 4 When you want to reset the time of day follow ...

Страница 11: 30 seconds 10 30 minutes 1 minute 30 90 minutes 5 minutes x2 x1 Your oven has 5 power levels To choose the power level for cooking follow the advice given in the recipe section Generally the following recommendations apply 100 P 800 W used for fast cooking or reheating e g soup casseroles canned food hot beverages vegetables fish etc 70 P 560 W used for longer cooking of dense foods such as roa...

Страница 12: ...ting TIMER WEIGHT PORTION knob x1 2 Choose the desired power level by pressing the MICROWAVE POWER LEVEL button once STAGE 2 3 Enter desired time by rotating TIMER WEIGHT PORTION knob x4 4 Choose the desired power level by pressing the MICROWAVE POWER LEVEL button four times 5 Press the START 1min button once to begin cooking x1 The oven will begin to cook for 5 minutes on 100 P and then for 16 mi...

Страница 13: ...ceding operation i e closing the door pressing the STOP button or cooking completion b Extend the cooking time You can extend the cooking time for multiples of 1 minute if the button is pressed while the oven is in operation 3 TO CHECK THE POWER LEVEL To check the microwave power level during cooking press the MICROWAVE POWER LEVEL button As long as your finger is touching the MICROWAVE POWER LEVE...

Страница 14: ... action is required e g to turn food over the oven stops and the audible signals sound remaining cooking time and any indicator will flash on the display To continue cooking press the START 1min button For example 1a EXPRESS MENU Each EXPRESS MENU button has two menus If you press the FISH FILLET WITH SAUCE GRATIN button once the display will appear as shown 1b EXPRESS COOK Press the EXPRESS COOK ...

Страница 15: ...equired by pressing the CHICKEN PAN WITH VEGETABLES MINCE AND ONION button once x1 Check the display Example 2 for EXPRESS COOK To cook Frozen Gratin 0 6 kg using Express Cook EC 3 2 Enter the weight by rotating the TIMER WEIGHT PORTION knob x3 3 Press the START 1min button once 1 Select the menu required by pressing the EXPRESS COOK button 3 times x1 Check the display To use EXPRESS DEFROST follo...

Страница 16: ... kg 500 g initial temp Chicken 5 C Gratin dish with microwave foil 0 5 1 5 kg 500 g initial temp Mince 5 C Casserole dish with lid 0 5 1 5 kg 500 g initial temp fish 5 C sauce 20 C Gratin dish microwave foil 0 5 1 5 kg 500 g initial temp 20 C Gratin dish x1 x2 x1 x1 x2 EXPRESS COOK NO EC 1 Cook Frozen Vegetables e g Brussel sprouts green beans peas mixed vegetables broccoli WEIGHT Increasing Unit ...

Страница 17: cover After cooking stir and let stand for approx 1 2 minutes Remove the frozen gratin from the package If the container is not suitable for microwave ovens place in a gratin dish and cover with microwave foil If the container is suitable for microwave ovens remove original paper cover and cover with microwave foil After cooking let stand for approx 5 minutes EXPRESS DEFROST NO Ed 1 Defrost Ste...

Страница 18: When the oven stops the audible signal sounds and in the display appears TURN OVER rearrange and remove defrosted slices After defrosting separate all slices and distribute on a large plate Cover the bread with aluminium foil and let stand for 5 10 minutes until thoroughly defrosted WEIGHT Increasing Unit UTENSILS 0 9 1 5 kg 100 g initial temp 18 C See note below for utensils 0 1 1 4 kg 100 g...

Страница 19: ... tomato purée 3 Add the liquid potatoes carrots and parsley to the meat mix it up well 4 Cover and cook on EXPRESS MENU C1 2 Mince and Onion 5 When the oven stops and the audible signals sound stir and re cover 6 After cooking stir and stand for approx 5 minutes Sprinkle with parsley and serve FISH FILLET WITH SAUCE C2 1 Fish fillet with piquant sauce Ingredients 0 5 kg 1 0 kg 1 5 kg 175 g 350 g 5...

Страница 20: ...e grated cheese sprinkle with paprika powder and cook on EXPRESS MENU C2 2 Gratin 5 After cooking let stand for 5 10 minutes GRATIN C2 2 Potato courgette gratin Ingredients 0 5 kg 1 0 kg 1 5 kg 200 g 400 g 600 g boiled potatoes sliced 115 g 230 g 345 g courgette finely sliced 75 g 150 g 225 g crème fraîche 1 2 3 eggs 1 2 1 2 clove of garlic crushed salt pepper 40 g 80 g 120 g feta cheese diced 10 ...

Страница 21: ...AT REGULAR INTERVALS AND REMOVE ANY FOOD DEPOSITS Failure to maintain the oven in a clean condition could lead to a deterioration of the surface that could adversely affect the life of the appliance and possibly result in a hazardous situation Oven exterior The outside of your oven can be easily cleaned with mild soap and water Make sure that the soap is wiped off with a moist cloth and dry the ex...

Страница 22: ... microwave oven BROWNING DISH A special microwave dish made from ceramic glass with a metal alloy base which allows food to be browned When using the browning dish a suitable insulator e g a porcelain plate must be placed between the turntable and the browning dish Be careful to adhere exactly to the pre heating time given in the manufacturer s instructions Excessive pre heating can damage the tur...

Страница 23: ... fork or small wooden skewer This will enable the steam which forms to dissipate without splitting the skin or shell LARGE AND SMALL QUANTITIES Microwave times are directly dependent upon the amount of food which you would like to thaw heat or cook This means that small portions cook more quickly than larger ones As a rule of thumb TWICE THE AMOUNT ALMOST TWICE THE TIME HALF THE AMOUNT HALF THE TI...

Страница 24: the container If possible stir large quantities from time to time to ensure that the temperature is evenly distributed The times are for food at a room temperature of 20 C The heating time for food stored in a refrigerator should be increased slightly After heating allow the food to stand for 1 2 minutes so that the temperature inside the food can be evenly distributed standing time The times g...

Страница 25: ...has elapsed vegetables should be stirred or turned over After cooking allow the vegetables to stand for approx 2 minutes so that the temperature disperses evenly standing time The cooking times given are guidelines and depend upon the weight initial temperature and condition of the type of vegetable in question The fresher the vegetables the shorter the cooking times COOKING MEAT FISH AND POULTRY ...

Страница 26: ...cover and stir from time to 500 100 P 4 5 time Meat 1 slice 200 100 P 3 4 thinly spread sauce over the top cover Fish fillet 200 100 P 2 3 cover Sausages 2 180 70 P approx 2 pierce the skin several times Cake 1 piece 100 50 P 1 2 place on a cake stand Baby food 1 glass 190 50 P approx 1 remove the lid after heating stir well and test the temperature Melting butter or margarine 50 100 P approx 1 2 ...

Страница 27: 300 30 P 6 8 turn half way through thawing time 30 Rolls 2 80 30 P app 1 only partially thaw Sliced bread for toasting 250 30 P 2 4 remove outer slices after each minute has passed 5 White loaf whole 750 30 P 7 10 turn half way through thawing time centre still frozen 30 Cakes per piece 100 150 10 P 2 5 place on a cake stand 5 Cream cake per piece 150 10 P 3 4 place on a cake stand 10 Whole gat...

Страница 28: ...ach 300 100 P 5 7 wash dry well cover stir once or twice during cooking Cauliflower 800 100 P 15 17 1 whole head cover divide into florets stir 5 6tbsps 500 100 P 10 12 during cooking 4 5tbsps Broccoli 500 100 P 10 12 divide into florets cover stir occasionally during cooking 4 5tbsps Mushrooms 500 100 P 8 10 whole heads cover stir occasionally during cooking Chinese leaves 300 100 P 9 11 cut into...

Страница 29: ... Emmental cheese Netherlands MUSHROOM SOUP Champignonsoep Total cooking time approx 13 17 Minutes Utensil Bowl with Lid 2 l Capacity Ingredients 200 g mushrooms sliced 1 onion 50 g finely chopped 300 ml meat stock 300 ml Cream 21 2 tbsps Flour 25 g 21 2 tbsps Butter or Margarine 25 g Salt Pepper 1 Egg 150 g Crème fraîche 1 Place the vegetables and the stock in the bowl cover and cook 8 9 mins 100 ...

Страница 30: ... g finely chopped 100 ml white wine Seasoned gravy browning for approx 1 2 l gravy 300 ml cream 1 tbsp parsley chopped 1 Cut the fillet into finger width strips 2 Grease the dish all over with the butter Put the onion and the meat into the dish cover and cook Stir once during cooking 7 10 mins 100 P 3 Add the white wine gravy browning and cream stir cover and continue cooking Stir occasionally 5 6...

Страница 31: ...22 27 minutes Utensils Bowl with lid 2 l capacity shallow square soufflé mould with lid approx 20 x 20 x 6 cm Ingredients 300 g tinned tomatoes 50 g ham finely cubed 1 onion 50 g finely chopped 1 clove of garlic crushed 250 g minced meat beef 2 tbsp mashed tomato 30 g salt pepper oregano thyme basil nutmeg 150 ml cream crème fraîche 100 ml milk 50 g grated Parmesan cheese 1 tsp mixed chopped herbs...

Страница 32: with the milk together with the sugar and the food thickener cover and cook stirring during cooking and again at the end 3 4 mins 100 P 4 Turn out the jelly onto a plate and decorate with the whole fruit Add the vanilla sauce Tip You can also use defrosted frozen fruits Spain BAKED POTATOES Total cooking time 12 16 minutes Utensils Bowl with lid 2 l capacity China plate Ingredients 4 medium siz...

Страница 33: Garantiefrist von 24 Monaten beginnt mit dem Tag an dem Sie das fabrikneue Gerät von einem Händler gekauft haben Die Erbringung von Garantieleistungen verlängert nicht die Garantiezeit Die Garantie gilt für alle Geräte die in Deutschland ab dem 01 12 2001 und in Österreich ab dem 01 04 2004 gekauft worden sind Garantieleistungen Sharp Electronics Europe GmbH erfüllt seine Garantieverpflichtunge...

Страница 34: ...r für Sachmängel Umfang der Garantie Wenn ein herstellungsbedingter Material und oder Verarbeitungsmangel nachfolgend Mangel bei dem Gerät oder Teilen davon mit Ausnahme der in der Bedienungsanleitung angegebenen Teilen mit begrenzter Lebensdauer innerhalb von 24 Monaten auftritt können Sie unsere Garantieleistung in Anspruch nehmen Die Garantie umfasst nicht Mängel die durch unsachgemäße Behandlu...

Страница 35: ...ale Torrette Nercogliano Avellino 0825 681590 D R F di Rubbo Via L Piccinato Benevento 0824 62416 Audio Service Via Cattaneo 4 6 Caserta 0823 329099 Congestri Ignazio Via Giordano Bruno Maddaloni Caserta 0823 437704 Elettronica Service snc di Starace Aniello e C Viale Europa Castellamare di Stabia Napoli 081 8728280 Errediesse Service Via P Mascagni Napoli 081 5794825 SATEP Via Nazionale delle Pug...

Страница 36: ...1 289062 Melone Michele Via Zara Trento 0461 235166 Sighel Mauro Via A Volta Trento 0461 935919 UMBRIA Baldassarri G G snc Via A Manna S Andrea delle Fratte 075 5270921 Tecnoconsult Elettronica Via Madonna Alta Perugia 075 5003089 Quondam Via del Rivo Terni 0744 301512 VALLE D AOSTA Cat di D Isanto C so Ivrea Aosta 0165 364056 VENETO D D Assistenza Tecnica snc Via Mondin Belluno 0437 30240 Pierezz...

Страница 37: ... Microm Electronica Av Aeropuerto 2 Cordoba 957 23 02 22 Antonio Gonzalez Esquinas Cl Gral Primo Rivera 61 Peñarroya 957 57 10 50 Serpriego S L Cl San Luis 4 Bjo Izda Priego De Cordoba 957 54 15 11 GIRONA Reparaciones Pilsa S C Cl J Pascual I Prats 8 Gerona 972 20 66 96 Feliu Canalias Cl Major 26 Campdevanol 972 73 01 72 Riera Daviu Cl Torras Y Bages 19 Figueres 972 50 32 64 Satel Ps De Barcelona ...

Страница 38: ...o Serveis Mora Cl Pau Picasso 1 Mora D ebre 977 40 08 83 Euro Tecnics Electronica Cl Lepanto 16 18 Reus 977 32 24 89 Martorell Altes Francisco Cl Roseta Mauri 10 Reus 977 75 32 41 Electronica Loguard Cl Vapor Vell 17 Reus 977 32 38 04 Electronica S Torres Cl Ernest Vilches 4 B L 2 Tarragona 977 21 21 48 Sertecs S C Cl Caputxins Bajos 22 Tarragona 977 22 18 51 Electro Servei C B Ps Moreira 10 Torto...

Страница 39: ...y 93 68 EEC As part of a policy of continuous improvement we reserve the right to alter design and specifications without notice SPECIFICATIONS GB GB Internal capacity is calculated by measuring maximum width depth and height Actual capacity for holding food is less This Product fulfils the requirement of the European standard EN55011 In conformity with this standard this product is classified as ...

Страница 40: ...achhaltig bewirtschafteten Wäldern Ce papier est entièrement fabriqué à partir de pâte à papier provenant de forêts durables De pulp die gebruik is voor de vervaardiging van dit papier is voor 100 afkomstig uit bossen die doorlopend opnieuw aangepland worden Il 100 della pasta utilizzata per produrre questa carta proviene da foreste sostenibili El 100 de la pasta utilizada en la fabricación de est...

Страница 41: ...ilisé La carta di questo manuale d istruzioni è fatta di 100 della carta riciclata El papel de este manual de instrucciones se hace de 100 es del papel reciclado De papier voor deze gebruiksaanwijzing is van 100 hergebruiken papier gemaakt Gedruckt in Grossbritannien Imprimé au Royaume Uni Gedrukt in Groot Brittannie Stampato in Gran Bretagna Impreso en el Reino Unido R 25ST English 20 01 2005 16 ...
