Sometimes a performance problem can be easily solved by checking seemingly apparent but often overlooked possibilities. Before arranging for
service, check these items. It could save your time and money.
Try a new channel, if OK, then possible station trouble.
Is TV plugged in?
Power at outlet?
Is TV’s
button on?
Is antenna connected to terminal on the back of the set?
If outside antenna is being used, check for broken wire.
Check for local interference.
Turn off with
button and then turn it on after about a minute.
Adjust COLOR control.
Adjust CONTRAST & BRIGHT control.
Check batteries in Remote Control.
Move the TV away from the nearby appliances which have Magnetism.
Turn off using the
button, then turn it on again 30 minutes or so later.
Temperature around is too low.
Life of the Back Light is approximately 50,000 hours. Ask the Service Center to replace.
It is quality of the LCD Panel.
Remote Control Doesn’t Work.
Bars On Screen.
Picture Distorted.
Picture Rolls Vertically.
No Color.
Poor Reception on Some Channels.
Weak Picture.
Lines or Streaks in Picture.
Ghosts in picture.
Picture Blurred.
Sound OK, Picture Poor.
Picture OK, Sound Poor.
No Picture or Sound.
Different color marks on screen.
minous point on Screen.
Closed Caption Problem Possible Remedy
My TV is showing captions that are misspelled.
My TV will not show the text in its entirety or there is a delay
of what is being said.
My captions are scrambled with white boxes on the TV screen.
My program guide listed a TV show as being closed captioned
but none of the captions were displayed.
My prerecorded videotape does not show any captions.
The tape box mentions it being closed captioned.
My TV screen shows a black box on certain channels.
You are watching a live broadcast and spelling errors made by the closed captioning production
company may pass through uncorrected. A prerecorded program will not show any misspelled
words because of the normal time available for editing the captions.
Captions that are delayed a few seconds behind the actual dialogue are common for live broad-
casts. Most captioning production companies can display a dialogue to a maximum of 220 words
per minute. If a dialogue exceeds that rate, selective editing is used to insure that the captions
remain up-to-date with the current TV screen dialogue.
Interference caused by building, power lines, thunderstorms, etc. may cause scrambled or incom-
plete captions to appear.
Broadcasters may at times use a time compression process to the actual program so that addition-
al advertising time can be given. Since the decoder cannot read the compressed information, cap-
tions will be lost.
The videotape was either an illegal copying or the tape duplicating company accidentally left out
the captioning signals during the copying process.
You are in the TEXT mode. Select CAPTION mode or CAPTION [OFF].
The LCD panel is manufactured to provide many years of useful life. Occasionally a few non active pixels may appear as a tiny spec of color.
This in not to be considered a defect in the LCD screen.
Wipe the front panel and other exterior surfaces of the TV with a
soft cloth immersed in lukewarm water and wrung dry.
Never use a solvent or alcohol. Do not spray insecticide liquid
near the TV. Such chemicals may cause damage and discol-
oration to the exposed surfaces.
If the
panel should require cleaning, wipe it with a cotton or
soft cloth. Before cleaning the picture screen, disconnect the power