1. Service mode
Berfore putting unit into the service mode, check,
that customer adjustments are in the normal mode,
use the reset function in the video adjust menu to
ensure customer controls are in their proper (reset)
To enter the service mode
Plug in a television set, during push S2507 (CH-up).
When successfuly entered, the service mode will be
displayed as shown in Figure A.
To exit service mode
Turn off the power or unplug the set.
2. Adjustment Item selection
Once in the service mode, press the channel up or
channel down button on the remote controller or at
the set (Table-A.). Select the item you wish to adjust.
3. Data number selection
Press the volume up or down button to adjust the
data number in the upper right hand side of the
Figure A.
The K-series SHARP TV/VCR COMBINATION have most of the analog setup adjustments eliminated. Coil and
variable resistor adjustments are now performed digitally by using the remote transmitter or set’s volume
and channel change function buttons.
Note: There are still a few analog adjustments in the K-series such as 120V adjust, focus, master screen
voltage and coils in the picture IF/detector circuit.
Follow the steps below whenever service adjustment is required. See table "B" to determine if service
adjustments are required.