Low Power WiFi Module User Manual
Shanghai High-Flying Electronics Technology Co., Ltd
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AT+ Instruction Set Overview
User can input AT+ Instruction through hyper terminal or other serial debug terminal, also can program
the AT+ Instruction to script. User can also input “AT+H” to list all AT+ Instruction and description to
Figure 34. ”AT+H” Instruction for Help
4.2.1. Instruction Syntax Format
AT+Instruction protocol is based on the instruction of ASCII command style, the description of syntax
format as follow.
Format Description
< >
: Means the parts must be included
[ ]
: Means the optional part
Command Message
AT+: Prefix of command message;
CMD: Command string;
Symbol of command operator,
“=” : The command requires parameters input;
“NULL”: Query the current command parameters setting;
[para-n]: Parameters input for setting if required;
<CR>:”Enter” Key, it’s 0x0a or 0x0d in ASCII;