SGC Inc. SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
© 11/00 SGC, Inc.
P.O. Box 3526, 98009 Fax: (425) 746-6384 Tel: (425) 746-6310
E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.sgcworld.com
6.6 Electrical Checkout
After the SG-231 antenna coupler has been installed, the SSB transmitter should be
adjusted to the
frequency desired, and a directional watt meter (e.g., Bird Model
43) should be inserted into the transmission line. The transmitter should then be
powered. The SG-231 will begin to tune when RF power is applied, and you will hear a
“clattering” of PC-mounted relays. If the antenna length and ground parameters are
within range, the relay noises will stop when just a few words are spoken, and the
reflected power on the watt meter would indicate a value of better than 2:1 VSWR. The
“TUNED” LED, which is mounted on the PC board, will light, and if there is a remote
“TUNED” indicator, it will also light.
12 volt power source
SG–2000 HF radio
(View: Back panel of unit)
Watt meter
Terminal block
for DC power
SG-2000 -->SG-231
Black (of coupler cable) = ground
Red (of coupler cable) = +12 VDC
Green = tuned indication
Next, the SSB transmitter should be adjusted to the
desired frequency, and the
test as outlined above should be repeated. The SG-231 should immediately sense the
mismatch and switch to the tune mode to re-tune the antenna system. Since the
algorithm must search through more possible values of L and C to find an appropriate
combination at the lower frequencies, the tune cycle may take longer. A few spoken
words should achieve an “all tuned” indication. The SG-231 installation and tune-up
are considered complete if the above tests have been successfully performed.
The SG-231 will probably not be supplied from SGC with memory data appropriate to
your installation, and the memory feature may not seem impressive at first. Allow the
SG-231 to “learn” your antenna’s requirements by proceeding from frequency to
frequency and allowing the normal tune-up to occur. As the SG-231 computer
memorizes more and more frequencies, you should then be able to return to a
previously tuned frequency and find that the coupler immediately responds “ALL
TUNED,” even before the first word is completed.
The memory system is capable of storing hundreds of individual frequency/relay
combinations, mostly in the lower operating frequencies, providing better memory