SGC Inc. SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
© 11/00 SGC, Inc.
P.O. Box 3526, 98009 Fax: (425) 746-6384 Tel: (425) 746-6310
E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.sgcworld.com
may be approximated by placing a screen of chicken mesh, copper hardware cloth, or
similar material over the roof of the building. More frequently, a counterpoise system
of radial wires must be used. SGC recommends the use of at least 8 to 12 radials bonded
together in the center. If the antenna is at ground level, the radials should be buried a
few inches below the surface.
5.4 Corrosion
Ground connections are subject to corrosion and oxidation. All joints must be clean and
the hardware adequately tightened. Joints should be well soldered wherever possible.
The joints may be protected by an application of silicon grease and, under severe
conditions, covered with electrical tape and waterproof varnish or a durable brand of
silicon caulking.
If you are mounting your Smartuner on a vessel where a lot of salt spray is en-
countered, it is a good idea to put the wire connections that are exposed to weather on
your six-month periodic maintenance plan. Then, every six months, you will be
reminded to undo each of the connections, clean, re tighten, and reseal.
Use jumpers around metal back stay triangles on split backstay antennas. Corrosion
may cause up to several hundred ohms of resistance to occur even though you may
think that a metal-to-metal connection would be a good one.