This is only for trouble shooting. After inserting USB memory to the maintenance
connector on the rear panel, pressing “phase” button in this menu write the log file into
the USB memory. After writing the log, display shows “Success Please Reboot”. Then
turn off the player and turn it on again.
Pressing “Phase” button in this menu makes the DSP-030EX exit the menu mode and go
into normal operation mode.
The DSP-030EX is capable to decode MQA files. When MQA streaming is detected in
place of PCM there is one of the below options shown:
– MQA – indicates decoding and playing an MQA stream or file
• MQA.
– indicates it is playing an MQA Studio file which has either been approved in
the studio by the artist/producer or has been verified by the copyright owner
MQA – Master Quality Authenticated
What is MQA?
MQA (Master Quality Authenticated)
MQA is an award-winning British technology that delivers the sound of theoriginal
master recording. The master MQA file is fully authenticated and is small enough to
stream or download.
How does MQA work?
The DSP-030EX includes MQA technology, which enables you to play back MQA audio
files and streams, delivering the sound of the original master recording. ‘MQA’
indicates that the product is decoding and playing an MQA stream or file, and denotes
provenance to ensure that the sound is identical to that of the source material. ‘MQA.’
indicates it is playing an MQA Studio file, which has either been approved in the studio
by the artist/producer or has been verified by the copyright owner.