2 Features
Visual and audible signals
The device features two alarms:
● Signal light on top of device (visual signal)
● Buzzer on side of device (audible signal)
The signals indicate alarms and faults. The device also emits
signals when it is switched on and off.
If this symbol appears on the display, the audible signal
can be switched off.
When an audible signal has been switched off it cannot
be switched back on while the concentration level re-
mains above the alarm threshold.
This symbol appears at the top left of the display as soon
as the audible signal has been switched off. It disappears
automatically if the level falls below the alarm threshold.
Operating signal
When using the
Warning %LEL
Warning ExTox
the device emits a visual and audible signal at regular intervals.
This indicates that the device is working properly.
The device can monitor several gases at the same time. If the
measured gas concentration of one or more gases exceeds spec-
ified limit values (alarm thresholds) the device gives a warning. It
emits both audible and visual signals, which are clearly different
from the operating signal.
WARNING! Risk to life from dangerous gas concen-
An alarm always indicates danger.
Take all necessary measures for your own safety and
the safety of others immediately.
There is detailed information on alarms in section 7.2.