Tap on the Once button on the interface to capture the tag ID once; tap on
the Continue button to capture the tag ID continuously; tap on the Stop
button to stop reading tags, as shown in Figure 4. As to the hand-held
device, the captured tag ID will be displayed in the list. Tap on the Clear
button to clear the list and restore it to the screen shown in Figure 4-19.
4) Read the tag data and write to the tag data
Tap on the Config button to set the power. Enter the correct data and tap
on the Set button to save the settings. Instead, tap on the Get button to
restore the default values. You can set Bank, Address, Length, and
Password, as shown in Figure 4-20.
Figure 4-18
Select the ID of the tag data you want to write to and tap on the Write
button. Figure 4-21 on the left shows that Read tag data successfully.
Figure 4-21 on the right shows that Read tag data failed.