panel and will be displayed as ‘BAD’ in the NumaRAID software controller’s RAID Details
menu. The system will continue to process read/write requests using parity information
from the other seven drives.
OK Drive Failed Drive
NumaRAID RAID Controller Indicates the health of the drive in the Slots menu and the
status of the drive in relation to the RAID is viewable in NumaRAID>RAID Details.
The Slots menu only judges the health of the drives; reconstruction status is
viewed only from the RAID Details menu. A drive that is reconstructing will still count as
one less drive of redundancy.
NumaRAID>RAID Details
If a drive starts to fail it should be replaced immediately with a new working drive. Only
spare drives provided by QOS Servers should be used for drive replacement, if any other
drive should be used, please contact support at
for approval be-‐
QOS 8-Bay User Manual
QOS Server is a subsidary of Ocean Tides Productions Ltd. © Copyright 2013