Alarm Messages
6. check the if DC voltage between A(first wire) and B(third wire) is normal, it should be 13.5V ~16.5V
The cause of alarm ‘TRANSITION-MAIN COMMUNICATE’ could be:
1. The connection between transition circuit board and main circuit board is wrong;
2. The connection between transition circuit board and main circuit board is not good, such as had creepage;
3. The transition circuit board or main circuit board was damaged.
How to do
1. Check the connection wire between transition circuit board and main circuit board, their live wires,
curves was connected correctly;
2. Check the connection wire
between transition circuit board and main circuit board
, the wire must be less
than 20 meters, the terminals must be water- proof;
3. If the connection is fine, then the cause could be the transition circuit board or main circuit board, please
check their lights.
The cause of alarm ‘MODULE VOLTAGE OVER’ could be:
1. Water flow was not enough;
2. One of the sensors got problem;
3. Ambient temperature was too high
How to do:
1. Check if the water flow was not enough;
2. Check all the sensors if they are normal.