Useful CL-60 facts
Talking distance: up to 300 ft from base in an average house
Talk time: up to 8 hours
Stand-by time: 80 hours
Time required to charge handset: 8 hours
Battery for handset/base: rechargeable AAA size, inter-changeable
between handset and base use
Extra handsets (item CL-60HS: up to 5, sold separately
Common FAQ
How can I turn off the “talking” voice?
Just set the “talking” selection switch to Off in the battery compartment.
How come some keys only talk some of the time, but not all the time?
While off line, these keys talk when pressed---
, the
complete DIALING PAD, M1-M3 speed dials,
. While on line,
these keys talk when pressed---
, “MUTE”,
Can I change the voice level of the talking caller ID?
Yes, while the phone is ringing, press volume
to increase or
decrease the talking and ringing volume.
What if I don’t have CID service?
No problems, the phone will just not voice or show any caller ID info,
everything else remains the same.