Put the filter rings (1.5 – 1.7) back into the filter canister. The
fine filter ring (1.7) is placed at the bottom, followed by the
medium one (1.6) and the coarse filter ring on top (1.5).
For re-assembly, the canister cover seal ring (1.3) must be lo-
cated on the edge underneath the upper rim of the filter canis-
ter (1.4). Do not push the seal ring into the gap, this is where
the edge of the canister cover (1.1) locks into the edge of the
filter canister. Do not place the seal ring on the canister cover.
It cannot be put in position in this case. Make sure the seal ring
is properly seated and evenly greased. (Use only acid-free sili-
cone grease or Vaseline for regular greasing.)
Put the cover (1.1) with the standpipe (1.1.6) back onto the fil-
ter canister. The standpipe (1.1.6) is pushed through the filter
rings into the holder plate with standpipe locator (1.8).
Push the black metal locking ring (1.2) back on, observing the
safety advice.
Now check on which hose connector (1.1.1 / 1.1.2) diameters
the present hoses fit. Saw off the smaller diameters with a met-
al saw if one of the hoses fits on one of the larger diameters.
Please note:
The water outlet (1.1.2) is the right one of the two
hose connectors (see arrows on the canister cover). Should the
connections between the hose and the hose connectors leak
in operation in spite of using hose clamps, you can quickly and
safely seal this connection using aquarium silicone.
sera pond fil bioactive pressure filter
is now ready for
Lay the hose for the water outlet (1.1.2) into the pond in a way
that you can observe the flow. Connect the water intake hose
(1.1.1) according to the
information for use of the corre-
sponding pond pump
Now switch on the pond pump and wait until the water flows
back into the pond. In case the flow rate is too low it may be
advisable to remove air from the filter. Slightly loosen the union
nut on the waste water outlet (1.1.4) and wait until no air flows
out any more. Fasten the union nut again as soon as water
comes out.
Once the flow through the filter is made sure you can lay the
outlet hose back into pond according to your desires.
Quick cleaning using the backwash function (fig. 2)
The backwash function should be activated for approx. 5 min-
utes once weekly. Switch off the pond pump. Connect a hose
to the waste water outlet (1.1.4) and direct the waste water in-
to a flower bed or a sink. To do so, loosen the union nut (2.1)
on the waste water outlet, take the sealing disc (2.2) out and
fasten the variable hose connector with the union nut instead
(2.3). Switch the pond pump back on again. When the pump is
running, simply turn the rotary switch (1.1.3) to “CLEAN”, and
the waste water will be pumped out of the filter through the
waste water outlet.
When the waste water is almost clear again, switch the pond
pump off and set the rotary switch (1.1.3) back to “PUMP”. Un-
screw the variable hose connector (2.3), insert the sealing disc
(2.2) back into the waste water outlet and fasten it with the
union nut (2.1). The backwash function should not be used
considerably longer than 5 minutes, as to prevent the biologi-
cal function of the filter being affected.
Regular activation of the backwash function can considerably
increase the cleaning intervals of the
sera pond fil bioactive
The waste water outlet must be closed during normal opera-
Complete cleaning with de-assembling
sera pond fil bioactive pressure filter
should only be
cleaned routinely when the water flow has considerably re-
duced (not in too short intervals). Only this allows to also filter
out fine floating particles.
Switch off the pond pump before opening the canister and
screw the hose connectors (1.1.1 / 1.1.2) off the
sera pond fil
. Now open the
sera pond fil bioactive
as described
in the section “Assembly”.
Take the filter rings out and clean them with warm water with-
out adding detergents. Replace the filter rings with new ones if
they cannot be cleaned anymore. The plastic parts can be
cleaned mechanically with a coarse scrubbing brush or some-
thing similar. Do not use any scrubbing agents, steel sponges
or a thread brush.
sera siporax pond
only with warm water. Do not use
damaged filter tubes again.
Re-assemble the
sera pond fil bioactive
according to the sec-
tion “Assembly”.
Protect the
sera pond fil bioactive pressure filter
from freez-
ing! Empty the filter, clean and dry the filter materials. Store the
sera pond fil bioactive pressure filter
in a dry and frost free
place. Remove the pump from your pond in autumn as well.
Clean and dry the pump completely (including the impeller unit)
and very lightly grease all metal parts with Vaseline.
Replacing sera siporax pond:
Open the filter and take the canister cover (1.1) with the stand-
pipe (1.1.6) off. Then take the filter rings (1.5 – 1.7) and the
holder plate with standpipe locator (1.8) out. Now you can re-
move the
sera siporax pond
(1.9). Also take out the filter ring
lying underneath (1.10) and carefully rinse it, only with water.
Put the filter ring back on the canister bottom. Now insert the
holder plate with standpipe locator (1.8). Cover the round
opening with a saucer. Fill the fresh
sera siporax pond
into the
filter canister through the large openings of the holder plate
(1.8). Make sure no
sera siporax pond
ring falls into the stand-
pipe locator on the holder plate (1.8). Use only
sera siporax
, as smaller
sera siporax
rings can otherwise get into the
standpipe locator and cause clogging there.
sera siporax pond
as described in the section “Bio-
logical activation – De-assembling the filter”.
fil bioactive Druckfilter INT WIN 30.04.2010 14:26 Seite 9