Product Specifications
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Sensor Technologies America, Inc. (DBA Sentech America) believes the contents and specifications of its website, catalog,
documentation and ads are correct; however, Sentech America provides no representation or warranty regarding such information or
product(s) contained therein. It is requested that Sentech America be given appropriate acknowledgement in any subsequent use of
such work by a third party.
While every effort has been made to ensure that the details contained in Sentech America’s website and all documentation are correct
and up-to-date, Sentech America assumes no liability, legal or otherwise for any errors in listings, specifications, part numbers,
process, software or model applications. Sentech America reserves the right to change specifications, product descriptions, product
quality, pricing and application at any time without prior written or oral notice. Any party using such information assumes all risk for
any and all damaged caused to themselves, a third party and/or property by virtue of incorrect information and/or failure of these
products. By installing and/or using a Sentech America software development kit or other similar product and/or information obtained
from Sentech America’s website, catalog, documentation or ads, you hereby accept and understand these stated terms and conditions.
For More Information Please Call
Aegis Electronic Group, Inc. * (888) 687-6877 Phone * [email protected] *