Sentech GigE Vision Camera StGigE SDK
Sample Guide Rev.1.00
1.4 PvCamHeadSerialComLogSample
This sample shows how to create the simple UI application for the camera control and the communication
This sample allows to monitoring the serial communication between the camera register and the IP Engine on the
1) Introduction
This sample is based on the PvSimpleUISample application.
This sample is developed as a simple MFC single dialog application.
The most of functions excluding the image streaming and display thread, are in the
When use this sample:
The camera has to connect to the NIC, which is installed either the eBUS Universal Pro or the Optimal driver,
before use this sample.
3) Descriptions of the files
3.1 PvCamHeadSerialComLogSampleDlg.cpp
The source code file for the main application dialog.
The most of the events in this file.
3.2 PvCamHeadSerialComLogSample.cpp
The source code file for the main application.
This application displays the main application dialog.
3.3 Thread.cpp
The source code file for the thread, which is created the class of display the image from the PvPipeline on the