SK 2013 PLL
or EK 2013 PLL
B 2013
BA 2013
The Transmitter SK 2013 PLL and the Receiver EK 2013 PLL are supplied with current
by attachable RECHARGEABLE battery packs, type BA 2013. These battery packs are
charged over night separately or in conjunction with their unit in the Dual Charging Unit
L 2013. One battery pack has sufficient power for a normal working day (up to 12 hours).
It is completely recharged over night.
Standard (non-rechargeable) battery packs allow operation far from an electrical system
(maximum operating time: over 40 hours). They replace the rechargeable battery packs.
Common characteristics for transmitter and receiver
up to 40 hour operating time, interchangeable standard and
rechargeable battery pack
built-in microphone in transmitter and receiver