background image


The video indicator will light when there is video present from the camera on the coaxial cable.

The Rx indicator will light when there is any data on the RS-422 input. If it is recognized as valid data
and the received address matches the switch settings, coaxitron data will be sent up the video cable
to the camera and the Tx indicator will flash.


Pan, tilt, zoom, focus, and iris commands are converted directly.

Presets: Pelco preset commands from 1~64 are converted directly with a few exceptions.

Pelco Command

Panasonic Command


Preset 99 or 29

Autopan ON

Pgm Preset 92 or 22

Set Autopan Start position.

Pgm Preset 93 or 23

Set Autopan End position.


Pattern Start

Patrol Learn

Pattern End

Patrol Stop

Pattern Run

Patrol Play

Setup Menu

Pgm Preset 95 or 25

Camera Menu ON

(Use pan and tilt commands to navigate the menu.)
1 On

Select highlighted menu item

1 Off

Return to previous menu

2 Off, or Preset 95, 25 or 08

Menu Off


No Video indicator: No video signal detected on the coaxial cable

Only Rx indicator flashes when data is sent, no Error or Tx indicator: wrong address.

Both Rx  and Error indicators flash, possible causes:

Controller sending other than Pelco RS-422 camera control data.
Controller sending valid Pelco data but the baud rate parity settings do not match.
Incorrect wiring. Connect controller's Tx+ and Tx- to RS-422 input + and - respectively.

Error indicator on solidly: Invalid Pelco address selected, must be in the range of 001 ~ 256.


Insert the code translator in the video coaxial cable between the camera and the matrix. The video
inputs are a high impedance loop so either can be in or out.
Connect the RS-422 control wires to the code translator's RS-422 in connectors. The baud rate  and
parity must be set to match the controller's settings. The code translator will automatically detect
whether it is getting P code or D code. The switches can be changed with power applied and the
changes take effect immediately.
Set address selector switches to the same number the controller is sending for this camera.

December 2014

RS-422 Control






P w r

RS-422 IN



o r


o r

Video Encoder
