SP395 SoundPro Audio Integrator
Operation Manual
specified, the sound study graph automatically performs multiple sound studies or the
specified period and saves each to memory.
- Any of 43 weighting filters are available, including unweighted (Flat); A-
weighted; C-weighted; ten ANSI Class 1 octave band filters– 31, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1k,
2k, 4k, 8k, 16 kHz; or 30 ANSI Class 1 1/3 octave band filters.
Graph Range
- The vertical scale is calibrated in dB, and covers a 60 dB range. Each
division equals 10dB. The bottom range limit can be changed from 10 dB to 80 dB SPL.
Graphed Data vs. Time
– Sound Level data graphed over the specified time period.
Graph Length Time
- This is the field in the lower-right corner. You can select 1, 5, 10,
or 15 minutes, or 1, 2, 8, or 24 hours.
– Starts the sound study and begins graphing sound level samples. Stops the
Cursor Time Position
– Indicates the time represented by the position of the cursor on
the graph.
Sound Study Graph Operation
To perform a Sound Study:
Connect microphone
to L input. Apply phantom power and set the gain range.
Select the desired filter
: Choose from A or C -weighting, an octave or one-third octave
band, or flat (unweighted). A-weighting is often desired when noise is being measured.
Select Avg (Average) or Peak measurement.
(Use Avg. for most applications)
Select the time.
Choose from 10seconds, 1, 5, 10, or 15minutes, or 1, 8, or 24 hours. Or,
select Manual and start and stop the LEQ test yourself.
Note: If you want to do multiple Sound Study Graphs to extend the study time or store
results for analysis set the Memory field to the desired number of saves. Be sure to select
a starting memory number in the bottom toolbar
- Click on the start icon. The function will now run. While running, either the
peak or average SPL is shown on the second line of the screen. As the bars are drawn,
you can use the cursor to read the exact level and time of each bar.
Saves - Automatic Memory Save.
You can use the automatic memory save feature to store the
results of a test to memory at the end of the test. To store one test, set the “Save” field to “1.” To
store a test and automatically run more tests, set the Save field to any number between 2 and 40.
Then, as each test completes, its results will be stored in the next available unused memory, and
a new test will begin. Test results will be stored only in unused memory locations. You can use
the Memory Clear function to erase memories to make room for up to 40 test results.
- If any overloads occur while running, a small dot will appear above the dB bar.
These overload values are stored in memory, along with the graph value.