The source of air leakage is most commonly the throttle assembly or the liner housing seal.
The procedure will assist the repairman is solving this problem quickly
The throttle is basically a pair of two-way valve that divert air in front of, or behind the piston
to crimp a ring or load a ring in the jaws respectively. The figures below show the air routings
for both positions.
Follow the disassembly instructions and replace all o-ring.
Verify that the trigger contact area is not worn. If worn, the valve will not cycle
completely(replace the trigger)
Follow the re-assemble and adjustment instructions.
If the air leak persists, inspect the piston, piston o-ring, piston rod bushing and bushing o-
ring. Replace if any appear worn.
If the tool still leaks air, the throttle valve bushing or piston liner may be leaking. Have tool
serviced at your dealers.
To Disassemble:
1. Remove front sub-assembly from housing
2. Remove air deflector parts (#1, #2).
3. Loosen set screws (#15)on both ends.
4. Remove rear valve seat(#3)
5. Remove throttle spring and locator parts(#4,#5)
6. Remove front valve seat(#13) and throttle stem(#14) using a wrench.
7. Using two 3mm Allen wrenches, unscrew throttle valve screws(#6) to remove valve unit.
Hint: Hold housing so the the valve is vertical to help prevent loosing parts.
8. One valve screw will remain with other valve parts on spacer(#12), and can be
disassembled after removal from housing.
To Re-assemble
1. Assemble one side of the o-ring support assemble (#6, #8, #9, #10, #11, #10 and #9) on
spacer(#12). The chamfer on both washer(#8) should be installed, with chamfer side
against cap screw head(#7)
2. Hold housing vertically and install o-ring support assembly with spacer into bushing from
the top.
3. Holding cap screw with an Allen wrench, bring second o-ring support assemble(mounted
on screw(#7)) in front opposite side and complete valve assembly. The valve should have
free motiom od travel of about (2.5mm).
4. Insert valve spring locator and spring(#5 and #4) into the socket head cap screw(#7) int
the rear of the valve port.
5. Screw rear seat with lubricated o-ring (#3 and #7) into rear of the valve port.
6. Insert throttle stem(#14) into front valve seat(#13) so that the rounded end is out and
slowly screw front valve seat with lubricated o-ring(#7) into front of the valve port.
7. Leave trigger guard loose for adjusting the valve. See throttle valve adjustment procedure
for proper valve adjustment instructions.
Throttle valve adjustment instruction
Follow these steps after complete tool assembly in order to minimize the time and effort
required for optimum throttle valve adjustment.
1. Using the valve stem(#14), slowly screw in the front valve seat(#13) until it bottom, then
back it out 1-1/2 turns.
2. Do the same with the rear valve seat(#3)
3. Attach an air line and fully depress the trigger. Air Should Leak OUT OF THE REAR
VALVE SEAT. While depressing the trigger, slowly turn in the rear valve seat(#3) until the
air stops leaking.
4. Release the trigger. AIR SHOULD LEAK OUT OF THE HANDLE. Place a 5mm wrench
on the trigger valve stem air stops leaking from the handle.
5. Gently depress the trigger. Air should flow evenly from the rear exhaust to the handle
6. The valve should now be adjusted-test the tool.
7. Tighten the front and rear valve seat locking screw(#15) and re-test the tool.
1. Read this manual and understand all safety instructions before operation the tool. If you
have any questions, please contact our authorized representatives.
2. Only those fasteners listed in the operating instructions may be used in the fastener driv-
ing tools.
3. Only the main energy and the lubricants listed in the operating instructions may be used.
4. Fastener driving tools marked with an inverted equilateral triangle standing on one point
may only be used with an effective safety yoke.
5. Fastener driving tools equipped with contact actuation or continuous contact actuation,
marked with the symbol " Do not use on scaffoldings, ladders", shall not be used for spe-
cific application for example:
when changing one driving location to another involves the use of scaffoldings, stairs,
ladders, or ladder alike constructions, e.g. roof laths,
closing boxes or crates,
fitting transportation safety systems e.g. on vehicles and wagons.
6. For the maintenance of fastener driving tools, only spare parts specified by the manufac-
turer or his authorized representative shall be used.
7. Repairs shall carried out by agents authorized by the manufacturer or by other specialis-
ts, having due regard to the information given in the operating instruction.
8. Stands for mounting the fastener driving tools to a support for example a work table shall
be designed and constructed by the stand manufacturer in such a way that the fastener
driving tool can be safely fixed for the intended use, thus for example avoiding damage,
distortion or displacement.
9. Fastener driving tools operated by compressed air shall only be connected to compress-
ed air lines where the maximum allowable pressure cannot be exceed by a factor of
more than 10%, which can for example be achieved by a pressure reduction valve
which includes a downstream safety valve.
10. When using fastener driving tools operated by compressed air, particular attention must
be paid to avoid exceeding the maximum allowable pressure.
11. When using fastener driving tools operated by compressed air should only be operated
at the lowest pressure required for the work process at hand, in order to prevent unnece-
ssarily high noise levels, increased wear and resulting failures.
12. Hazards caused by fire and explosion when using oxygen or combustible gases for ope-
rating compressed air operated fastener driving tools.
13. Carry the fastener driving tool at workpiece using only the handgrip, and never with the
trigger actuated. Never carry the tool by the hose or pull the hose to move the tool.
Do not place your hand or any part of your body in the
fastener discharge area of the tool when connecting or
disconnecting air supply.
Never point any operational fastener driving tool at
yourself or at any other person.
1. Disconnect air hose.
2. Depress the magazine latch. Pull back on the magazine
3. Insert a stick of fasteners into the magazine. Make sure
the pointed ends of the fasteners are loaded with the
points downward. Also make sure fasteners are not dirty
or damaged.
4. Push the magazine cover forward until the latch