IP Address: The IP address of the AP. You should have a unique IP address to your
network. The default value is
Subnet Mask: The Subnet Mask of your Access Point. The default value is
Gateway: It indicated the Network’s Gateway. It’s optional.
The Gateway acts as the DHCP Server: By default, the AP can function as a DHCP server.
The AP can automatically assign an IP address to a client. To disable this function, clear
the “Enable” check box.
IP Pool Starting Address & IP Pool Ending Address: The first and the last address in the
IP address pool.
Lease Time: The period client can have the IP address assigned by DHCP server.
Local Domain Name: It’s optional.
DHCP Client Lists
This page lists clients that are connected to the Access Point via IP address, host name, and
MAC address. You can click
button to obtain most up-to-date information.
Note: The DHCP server only serves wireless clients. So LAN users cannot get IP address through
DHCP server.