Copyright © 2008 Semroc Astronautics Corporation
Box 1271 Knightdale, NC 27545 (919) 266-1977
September 28, 2008
What is a Retro-Repro?
A Retro-
Repro™ is a reproduction of an out
production model rocket kit. It is a close ap-
proximation of a full scale model of an early
historically significant model rocket kit from
one of the many companies that pioneered the
hobby over the past half century. A Retro-
Repro™ is not a true clone or identical copy of
the original. It incorporates improvements us-
ing modern technology, while keeping the fla-
vor and build appeal of the early kits.
Estes Industries, Inc.
In July 1958, G. Harry Stine of Model Missiles,
Inc. in Denver, Colorado approached Vern Es-
tes about making model rocket engines for
them. On January 15, 1959, Vern’s automated
model rocket engine fabricating machine,
“Mabel”, produced the first of many millions
of Estes model rocket engines. In 1960, Estes
was producing more engines than Model Mis-
siles could sell. Vern and his wife Gleda
opened a mail order rocket company and intro-
duced the Astron Scout and Astron Mark.
In 1961, a catalog was mimeographed and
hand stitched on Gleda’s sewing machine.
Later that year, Estes Industries had outgrown
the confined space in Denver. In December
1961, the entire operation was moved to an old
farm in Penrose, Colorado quickly establishing
the small town as the “Model Rocket Capital of
the World.”
Estes Industries was sold to Damon in Septem-
ber 1969. The name Estes is synonymous with
model rocketry. Almost everyone remembers
growing up firing Estes rockets or knowing
someone that did. Estes Industries has intro-
duced millions of youngsters of all ages to
model rocketry for almost half a century.
If you are not 100% satisfied with your Semroc
product, we will make it right by providing what-
ever you consider fair, from refund to replacement.
Contact us at:
Semroc Astronautics Corporation
Customer Service Department
P.O. Box 1271
Knightdale, North Carolina 27545
Model rockets are not toys, but are functional rock-
ets made of lightweight materials and are launched
with NAR or Tripoli safety certified model rocket
motors, electrically ignited and flown in accordance
with the NAR Model Rocket Safety Code. If mis-
used, model rockets can cause serious injury and
property damage. Semroc certifies that it has exer-
cised reasonable diligence in the design and manu-
facture of its products. Semroc cannot assume any
liability for the storage, transportation, or usage of
its products. Semroc shall not be held responsible
for any personal injury or property damage whatso-
ever arising out of the handling, storage, use, or
misuse of our products. The buyer assumes all risks
and liabilities therefrom and accepts and uses Sem-
roc products on these conditions.
Your purchase and use of any Semroc products is
construed as your agreement to and acceptance of
these terms. If you do not agree to these terms and
conditions, you must return the product, unused,
for refund or credit.
Sign up online at www.nar.org to join
the premier model rocketry organiza-
tion. Semroc fully supports the Na-
tional Association of Rocketry and rec-
ognizes it as the sport’s official voice.
The NAR is the oldest and largest
sport rocketry organization in the
world. Since 1957 over 80,000 serious
sport rocket modelers have joined the
NAR to take advantage of the fun and
excitement of organized rocketry. It is always more
fun if you fly with friends. The
Sport Rocketry
magazine is one of the best ways to keep informed
of new developments in the hobby. Check online at
www.semroc.com/nar for promotions just for NAR