Blue Jay
Insert the motor block as shown
and push into place with the empty
casing until the 1/4 inch mark is even
with the end of the tube. Quickly re-
move the motor casing with a twisting
Make a mark on the motor
pod tube 1 3/4 inches from one end.
Using a straightedge, draw a straight
line through the 1 3/4 inch mark and
another 3 1/2 inches up the tube.
Tie the length of Kevlar
around the motor block. Use the old
motor casing as a spacer to tie it in a
loop. Set the knot with a drop of
glue and cut off the loose end.
Mark the motor casing 1/4 inch
from one end. Spread a layer of glue
around 2 1/4 inches inside the end of
the tube with the hook.
When the glue has dried, feed
the Kevlar cord through the motor tube
and tie it to the nosecone. Unroll the
streamer material and lay the loose
end under the Kevlar as shown. Apply
the tape to hold the streamer in place.
Place the motor pod hook on
the line. The end of the pod with the
mark you made in step 16 should be
even with the 1 3/4 inch mark. Make
sure the motor pod hook is in align-
ment and glue into place.
After you’re satisfied with the
fit of the motor pod hook and fuse-
lage hook, make a mark at the rear
edge of the motor pod hook.
Glue the launch lug into place
between the motor pod tube and the
pod hook.
This concludes the con-
struction of your Semroc Blue Jay
boost glider! We hope you enjoy
flying this high quality kit.
Locate a clear grassy area
free of objects that will damage
your glider. Face the wind and
gently toss the glider with the nose
slightly elevated. If the glider
stalls, add some weight in the
“eye” of the glider body and try
again. If it dives, remove some of
the nose weight until level flight is
Glider Trimming
Once you have obtained a
straight and level glide path, add
some weight to the left or right
wing to make the glider turn. If the
glider doesn’t turn, you’re in for a
long walk!