Technical Explanation
4 F-Option Board
2017-08-30 - Rev02
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General description
The SKiiP
4 F-Option Board allows the controlling of SKiiP
4 system by means of fiber optics. There are three
variants of SKiiP
4 F-Option available:
Variant 1: L5066401 SKiiP
4 F-Option with D-Sub connector, no plastic case
Variant 2: L5066402 SKiiP
4 F-Option with D-Sub connector
Variant 3: L5066403 SKiiP
4 F-Option without D-Sub connector
In case of using SKiiP
4 F-Option the two switching signals (TOP/BOT) and the GPIO error signal are
transferred via optical connection. In addition the analogue signals as well as the CAN-Bus signals are
available on the D-Sub connector X2 for Variants 1 and 2 of F-option boards described above.
The electrical connection between SKiiP
4 F-Option board and SKiiP
4 driver must be realized by 25-wired
ribbon cable. The built-in connector of the SKiiP
4 F-Option board can be directly plugged in case of mounting
4 F-Option on the SKiiP
4 top cover (Variants 2 and 3) or on SKiiP
4 Paralleling Board (Variant 1). In
other cases the usage of cable extention up to 1,5m is allowed. On the other side it must always be connected
to the SEMIKRON “SKiFace Standard” interface of SKiiP
4 driver by a 25-pin D-Sub female connector. Please
refer to the Technical Explanation SKiiP
4 for pin assignment of connector X1.
The example of SKiiP
4 F-Option board application for Variant 1 is shown in the Figure 3.1.
Figure 3.1: SKiiP4 F-Option board (Variant 1) application example with connected SKiiP
4 system
Please note that in case of mounting SKiiP
4 F-Option board (Variant 1) on the SKiiP
4 Parallel board the
4 Parallel board variant compatible to the F-Option board should be chosen. The following SKiiP
Parallel boards are compatible to the F-Option Board (Variant 1):
L5064204 (paralleling of 4 SKiiP
4 systems),
L5064205 (paralleling of 3 SKiiP
4 systems),
L5064206 (paralleling of 2 SKiiP
4 systems).
Pollution degree class 2 and IP00 shall be considered for all SKiiP
4 F-Option boards.