Feed Tension Adjustment
You may need to occasionally adjust the feed tension to compensate for the normal wear that the
rubber feed and separation rollers experience over time. The feed tension can be adjusted by
turning the Feed Tension Adjustment Knob located on the top of the machine. The initial factory
setting is 0. Turning the knob clockwise (so the dot on the knob is at +1 or +2, etc.) will loosen
the feeding system, while turning the knob counterclockwise (so the dot on the knob is at -1 or -
2, etc.) will tighten the feeding system.
Most machines function best with the dot on the knob centered at 0
, but if the machine is
experiencing frequent jam errors, the knob may need to be turned clockwise so that the dot is at
+1 or +2. Alternately, if the machine is experiencing frequent double note, chain note or angle
errors, the knob can be turned counterclockwise so that the dot is at -1 or -2.
The dot on the knob should never be adjusted past -4 or +4.
Contact your authorized Semacon service provider if your machine still receives
error messages after the feed tension has been adjusted to either of these points.