October 2019
(It can be modified without notice)
Page: 35
.P. SELECTA s.a.u.
Autovía A2 Km 585.1 Abrera 08630 (Barcelona) España
Tel 34 937 700 877 Fax 34 937 702 362
e-mail: selecta @jpselecta.es - website: http://www.jpselecta.es
On the «Rinsing» step the solvent
drags the fat from the sample.
PTFE manual valve position for sol-
vent recovery
Adding extra solvent
6.6 Boiling phase
Place the thimbles of each extraction column at «BOILING» position.
In this position the samples are immersed under the boiling solvent. This phase ac-
celerates the extraction process. However depending on the nature of the sample a
longer «boiling» time may be required which also requires a longer «Rising» time.
A typical time for this phase is 30 - 45 minutes.
This time can be shortened if after several trials with less time provide the same
results as the original longer period.
6.7 Rising phase
Place the thimbles of each extraction column into the «RINSING» position.
In the this position the samples are subjected to the solvent vapours and to the liquid
solvent condensed from the cooled reflux column. This phase is usually longer than
the «BOILING» phase.
A typical time for this phase is 40 - 60 minutes.
This time can be shortened if the same results can be obtained with a reduced time.
6.8 Solvent recovery phase
Rotate to the horizontal position the Teflon key of each column.
In the extraction unit, make sure that the extraction cartridges are in the «RINSING»
In this phase, the solvent that comes from the condenser does not go back into the
aluminium beaker but it is retained in the upper part of the collar.
A time of 10 to 30 minutes is enought to recover the 50ml of solvent.
The conclusion of this phase is that the aluminium beakers only contain the fat ex-
tracted from the sample.
6.9 Solvent evaporation phase and weighting
As this is a gravimetric method, any rests of solvent that remain into the beaker, after
the extraction, will count as fat.
So it is important to guarantee the absolute absence of solvent on the beaker after
To do it first, remove the beakers with the beaker rack and dry in an oven at 105ºC
for 15 minutes (Raise the locking lever, to extract the aluminium beakers).
Weigh them. The increment difference in weigh is the weigh of the extracted fat.
6.10 Solvent adding
Extra volume of solvent can be added during the extraction process. Use a syringe
to add solvent from the top of the glass column.
On the «Boiling» step the sample is
inmersed under the solvent.