CODE 80014 REV E
Pag.: 22
.P. SELECTA s.a.u.
Autovía A-2 Km 585.1 Abrera 08630 (Barcelona) España
Tel 34 937 700 877 Fax 34 937 702 362
e-mail: [email protected] - website: http://www.grupo-selecta.com
8.5 How to change from long to short stroke in orbital move-
Remove the platform by unscrewing the 4 Allen screws (and 4 washers)
with a 5mm Allen key by lifting it vertically.
* Loosen and remove the nut and the eccentric shaft washer with a 10mm
* Remove P1 piece from its housing 2 and 4.
* Remove the collar from shaft 4.
* Remove P2 piece from its housing 3 and 4.
* With a 14mm key loosen and remove the hexagonal extension of the shaft
4 and place it in the nearest thread hole to the centre of the shaft.
* Place P2 piece between 3 and 4, trying to keep its initial position (the
swinging collar in 3 and the cavity produced by the thickness diffrence
between the piece and the radial bearing at the top).
* Place the collar in 4.
* Place P1 piece between 2 and 4, trying to keep its initial position (swinging
collar in 2 and the cavity produced by the thickness difference between
the piece and the radial bearing at the top).
* Place the washer and the nut in 4 and tighten slightly with a 10mm key.
* Replace the platform and tighten the 4 Allen screws with their respective
* Remove the platform by unscrewing the 4 Allen screws (and 4 washers)
with a 5mm Allen key by lifting it vertically.
* Loosen and remove the nut and the dowel screw washer (5).
* Loosen and remove the nut and the top eccentric shaft collar (4) (the
lower collar must remain in the shaft 4).
* Remove the dower O-ring gasket (2).
* Remove P1 piece from its housing (1-5) and place it between 2-4, trying
to keep its initial position (the swinging collar in 1 and the cavity produ
ced because of the thickness difference between the piece and the radial
bearing at the top).
* Place the nut and washer on the dowel screw (5) and tighten slightly with
a 10mm key.
* Place the O-ring gasket at the dowel (1).
* Repace the platform and tighten the 4 Allen screws with their washers.
8.4 How to change from shaker to orbital movement