Make sure that there are no loose objects are within five meters around your model.
Check the propeller for damage (see chapter
The engine must not be started if the safety ring is not correctly plugged into the groove
provided in the propeller shaft, completely lacking or the propeller nut is not securely
When you start the engine, set up your whole attention to it.
Pull your hand back after the strong "cranking" of the propeller immediately, because the
engine fires with a small delay.
Alternatively you can use to cranking a cordless screwdriver with suitable cover.
Now the "technical side":
Make sure that the ignition is switched off!
Turn the propeller two or three times in the machine direction (counterclockwise). If the
rotation is very difficult, do now turn the propeller three or four times against the running
direction (clockwise).
If the increased rotational resistance then is still present, remove the bottom two spark plugs
(see chapter
ignition coils
), to drain the excess amount of oil from the lower cylinders.
Close the choke / keep your finger on the carburetor opening.
Turn ("throw") the propeller 4 to 6 times, to suck in the fuel into the carburetor.
Open the choke / Remove your finger from the carburetor opening.
Turn the propeller three full turns.
Turn on the ignition.
Turn ("throw") the propeller vigorous and pull your hand back immediately, because the
engine would have to start now. Optionally, repeat the process.
Let the engine warm up for about 2 minutes at slightly higher idle speed.
Indicate for a few seconds at full throttle and check the throttle response and your settings on
the remote control. Should give abrupt gas or remove the gas are in the operation of a radial
engine generally be avoided, as this can cause the motor stops.
Keep this in mind: If you fly, you do not move the throttle abruptly.
We recommend that the idle speed by two to three clicks to increase the throttle trim on your
remote control after take-off the aircraft. So the engine does not go out, even if the speed is
reduced due to sudden load changes or the vertical climb. Experience has shown that, in