Section 1: Introduction to the Bambi MAX
Overview (All Models)
2012 Bambi Max Operations Manual
(Version A)
Section 1: Introduction to the Bambi MAX
Overview (All Models)
This manual provides helicopter operators with information on the operation of the Bambi MAX. For serv-
ice and maintenance information, please refer to the separate service manual for your specific model
Since its introduction in 1983, the Bambi Bucket
has become the preferred means of helicopter fire
fighting for more than 600 companies and agen-
cies worldwide. This universal industry accept-
ance is the result of the Bambi Bucket’s
effectiveness, reliability, simplicity and ease of
use. There are several models of buckets available
as well as a number of accessories and enhance-
ments including Powerfill systems, Sacksafoam
systems, the Firesock, the Marine Recovery De-
vice and a remote power supply.
The operation of the Bambi MAX can be quickly
mastered by operators with no previous experi-
ence and the bucket requires no pre-assembly.
Once airborne, the operator can easily become fa-
miliar with the flight characteristics of the bucket.
Several test fills will also provide familiarity with
the variable-fill capability of the bucket.
Please read this manual prior to flying the bucket, partic-
ularly the sections on deploying, filling and dumping. For
your own protection, and for longer bucket life, always
read the instructions and warnings. Ignoring these warn-
ings could result in personal injury, bucket damage or air-
craft damage.
SEI Industries Ltd. offers complete parts supply and repair
services for the Bambi MAX. For a repair facility in your
area, please contact SEI. For maintenance and repair pur-
poses, parts diagrams and descriptions are provided in a
separate service manual (specific to your model). When
ordering parts, please provide the model and serial
number of your Bambi MAX.
For more copies of this manual, please contact SEI or visit our website at for more
information on these products.
Bambi MAX inside bucket.
Bambi MAX