ScreenGopher – User Manual
4. Program registration (activation)
ScreenGopher is provided as unblockable demo-application (its status is
shown at the main window’s caption, if it is unregistered).
Demo version doesn’t
allow to add records with names longer than seven symbols and intentionally
spoils the picture.
To unblock the full functionality, one has to pass a registration
(activation) procedure, and received a key, to activate a copy of program.
Activation process is conducted in the following window:
Fig. 12. Registering (activating) the program.
To pass the procedure, one has to follow the below algorithm:
1. Open registration window (F2).
2. Send a
Request Code
to the
according to form, shown in sect. 4.1.
3. After receiving an Activation Code user save both codes in any desired
place and way (for possible future use – re-registration after re-installing, for
4. Enter an Activation Code and get a notification about successful
activation (see. fig. 13).